Japanese Title (邦題): 「 女と男とを「シッカリつなぎ留める」のに、超オススメ!」末尾に
Most Recommended Valentine Gift! To Hold F & M tight.
Good morning to the World and Kanmon! (PG16)
It is the St. Valentine’s Day, today.
We talked with guests about the day.
According to them, Valentine’s Day’s custom in Korea is very similar to that in Japan. Girls give gift (chocolate) to boys. On the contrary, that of China is similar to the U.S.. Mainly Boys give gift (flower or sweet) to girls.
(The reason why Korean one is similar to Japanese one may be the existence of one big sweets company. Or may be because of Confucian teach.)
As I am curious about difference of Valentines day custom in Asian countries, since I was shocked seeing bunch of flowers with big balloons sent from males to females during my staying in the U.S..
Nowadays, even in Japan, running the top against international Valentine day standard, boys start utilizing Valentine day under social advancement of women. But unfortunately (for both), attractive men in both income and personality have reduced to quite few. Girls have no longer interests in boys and started buying chocolate for their female friends or for themselves.
By the way, there is super recommended gift here in Kitakyushu, for such Valentine Day.
Actually, there have been the sweet souvenir, but I have never touch/eat it, because we only give them to someone not for ourselves. But since my friend bought one for me and I see/eat it, I keep recommending our guests when they ask us advice for finding souvenir.
Bolt and Nut are OSU and MESU in JIS standard. They are called as Male and Female in International ANSI standard. This chocolate hold both quite tight. Don’t you think that this is perfect gift for the Valentine Day?
How about this “Chocolate Bolt” for both male and female to hold your parter’s heart?
( Sorry for the people who are transgender yet. The company must develop “Full Thread” chocolate for diversity. No, you should not search the word.)
Thank you and you have a nice day, with your perfect partner or soul mate.
P.S. For the people who don’t have real partner, it may be a good idea to use this Chocolate Bolt instead of “Pocky Game”.
from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
おはようございます。 (以下、PG16)
今日は St. Valentine’s Day 。
P.S. パートナー不在の人には、バレンタインの恋人探しのイベントの際、「ポッキーゲーム」の代わりにも使えるかもしれません。
灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )