Japanese Title (邦題): 「そろそろ見頃に!」末尾に
Beginning of good time to see!
Good morning to the World and Kanmon!
TOUKA has updated SAKURA (cherry blossom) flowering condition everyday in the Event Posting “SAKURA Stay”. Specially in KOKURA Castle area, we can feel the beginning of good time to see SAKURA.
The view of SAKURA with beautiful Japanese Castle as background can be the quite special memory for the tourist came from countries far from Japan. There is not so many castle with castle tower. Only Kokura Castle, Ganjaku Castle (Fukuoka), Iwakuni Castle has the tower. Unfortunately, there is no castle tower in Fukuoka castle and Hagi castle.
TOUKA has recommended all guests to visit Kokura Castle. It is convenient
from TOUKA. Kokura Castle is also easy to visit before check-in and during train transit to next destination after check-out. Furthermore, SAKURA can be seen with the castle in this time of the year.
(This photo is Full Bloom with Kokura Castle in last year 2016.)
As of March 30, flower condition depends pretty much on each tree. But it will be beautiful in average on coming Sunday. I personally think full bloom will be in next weekdays.
Thank you and you have a cheery day, by the light pink flowers.
from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
「灯火」でははるばる日本にいらっしゃったゲストの皆さんに小倉城をオススメしています。 ここから便利に行けるだけでなく、チェックイン前の時間調整や次の都市に移動する前の乗り継ぎの合間にも見ることのできる小倉城です。さらにその美しい天守閣が桜と一緒に見れるとしたら、オススメ中のオススメです。
(満開になるとこんな感じです。 昨年2016年の桜より)
灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )