Japanese Title (邦題): 「ひと夏の思い出!」末尾に
Memory of this Summer!
Good morning to the World and Kanmon!
Because our wish toward rainbow might come true, heavy rain was gone and we could see sunlight on Friday. So I went out after washing towels for our guests,
to my favorite summer place “Mekari Seawater Swimming Pool”.
In the mid summer, water temperature was like hot spring but it gets cool now. And I noticed that Saturday today is the last day of the swimming pool this year. (I can’t understand why they don’t open on Sunday, Sep.1. They don’t have commercial spirit as a part of Kitakyushu city.)
I did enjoy my last swimming in the pool. It was the super cool swim with using my last coupon up.
Through this season, there is less users in the swimming pool. There have always had a few people in 50m pool in weekday. And they have been all senior people, including life guards and I have felt like I am in a pool of nursing home.
It seems that there has been less users specially in this season and I believe it is because of their price up. As a fun of this swimming pool, I worry about bad spiral “price up and user reducing”. Furthermore, I couldn’t see any merit of big price increasing, such as better services or ideas at all. I couldn’t feel any promotion and marketing sense and that is the sense of Kitakyushu city. But I could feel that all staffs are feeling “This pool is OK. It will never close because this is a part of Mojiko Retro Business Scheme. Don’t you come here to feel the facility with management against the idea of SDGs? (Next chance will be the summer next year 2020 though.)
Thank you and you have a sustainable nice day!
from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
今年はシーズン通して特に利用者少なかったようです。これもひとえに料金改定(値上げ)の影響でしょう。プールファンとしては、値上げ 〜 利用者減少 〜 さらに値上げ 〜 さらに利用者減少のスパイラルに入るのではと危惧します。さらに言うと、大幅値上げした割に利用者を引きつけるもの・サービスが増えているわけでもありません。プロモーションやマーケティングの意識は皆無という北九州市らしい感覚です。門司港レトロ事業の一環施設ということで「潰れないから大丈夫」というスタッフの気持ちも感じ取れる、そんなSDGsに逆行する施設・施策を一度体験してみませんか?(次は来年ですけれど)
灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )