ビッグスポット!/ One Big Spot!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ビッグスポット!」末尾に


One Big Spot!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

For these two times, I have mentioned about our helpless cabinet. So let me fix your mind with beautiful scenery of Japan.

The biggest spot locates between Kanmon and Tokyo must be

Mt. Fuji!




I always feel lucky, because I can watch it on the way to/from Tokyo every time. So I could refresh myself embraced by the sacred mountain.



Thank you and you have a nice day at your own power spot.


P.S. The chestnuts I picked on the foot of Mt. Fuji was boiled after aging several days, and I enjoy eating sweet one.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )















P.S. 富士山麓で拾った栗も、一週間弱熟成(糖度を上げる)させて美味しくいただきました。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

50パーシェント 取れるといいね / Very doubtful to get majority

Japanese Title (邦題): 「50パーシェント 取れるといいね」末尾に


Very doubtful to get majority

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Suga Cabinet will resign soon. According to ONLY his speech at press conference last night, it seemed to be very reliable cabinet.
( NHK News: https://plus.nhk.jp/watch/st/g1_2021092803071 )


After their measure against COVID-19 pandemic, the clinical usage rate went down below 50%. But Suga cabinet disapproval rate is going up to 50% now. We think that It can’t be helped.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 23.23.29
( https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/shijiritsu/ )

My personal image about the cabinet (both ABE and SUGA) is “Ignoring their people” cabinet.

They said that they will snuggle up to people in Okinawa, but they ignore the result of the prefectural referendum. They have ignored request of holding an extraordinary session of the Diet by opposition alliance, who are also representing people of this country, and they may resign without holding it. They had ignored the request of re-investigation about Mr. Akagi’s death in ministry of finance. They have kept ignoring their inconvenient requests.

Another image about the cabinet is “Unfair” cabinet. But I will talk about this later.

So what I want about our government is that the current ruling party takes less than majority at the coming general election.

We do want the cabinet/government who will face to the people seriously

Thank you and you have a nice day in the nation where all people can feel happy.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


50パーシェント 取れるといいね


( NHK News: https://plus.nhk.jp/watch/st/g1_2021092803071 )



スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 23.23.29
( https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/shijiritsu/ )


辺野古で「寄り添う」といいながら県民投票の結果を「無視」。憲法に則って野党連合(野党といっても国民の代表です)がコロナ対策のための臨時国会招集を申請するも「無視」したまま退陣しそうな勢い 👉 憲法すら無視! 国民の代表がコロナ対策の報告を受ける議院運営委員会にも首相は出席要請を「無視」、官僚個人の尊厳を守ろうとする赤城ファイルに基づく財務省の再調査要請もまた「無視」等など、こんなのばっかりでした。





灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

こっそり税金の無駄遣い!/ Wasting tax in secret!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「こっそり税金の無駄遣い!」末尾に


Wasting tax in secret!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

There are more things which I cannot understand/agree than I can expect. I felt hurt in addition to COVID-19 depression.

Last week, we got a phone call from a person who introduce himself as a person in charge of “Go To Travel” office. He said that the office is planning a nationwide overhaul of all registered hotels/ryokans/hostels in Japan and asked us to make an appointment with us during coming October.

I heard his offer without any doubts. But soon I wondered if he might be a con man, because his response was a little weird. So I made several question about the overhaul. With hearing his response, I started having doubts about the overhaul.

My major doubts are three:

1.Will they start “Go To Travel” program again?
2.Why they plan overhaul now? (just before the regime change may happen (after presidential election / general election))
3.How much budget they are plan to execute for this? No risk of the budget to be wasted under new regime?

The person who called us seems to be an assignee from a travel agent to the office. He said that his assignment is an inspector of the overhaul. So I asked him above 3 questions for us to understand the background of the overhaul. But he couldn’t answer clearly. On later day, I called the office to find right person to ask and I found one person who said responsible person for this matter after being turned around several sections. So I asked same 3 questions to him. However his answer was “don’t know/cannot tell”.

After the conversation with him, I found that their action was not fraud. But I felt bigger doubt hidden behind the overhaul from how they turned me around and how bad is the training for the inspector. In other words, they seemed to execute huge amount of budget, which is from the tax we paid, for specific vendors just before the dissolution of “Go To Travel Office” under coming new government. This may be the main purpose why current government set “reserve fund” for COVID-19 measures.

By the way, according to them, their overhaul means detail inspection like inspector come in the facility and check various items, not like the Go To inspection of last year. The member of Go To Travel Office has been reduced from hundreds last year to about 50 now, but they expand member (by subcontracting) just for this overhaul.
We TOUKA is not negative to the overhaul itself. We understand the importance of inspecting infection measures in each accommodation facility. However we should know how much money is budgeted from the tax for this activity. The result of the overhaul will be used effectively under new government, or not? We strongly feel that Executing Huge Amount of Budget in Secret has been nothing out of the ordinary since ABE. Such as Blossom Viewing Party, ABE no musk and so on. And they skillfully evade explaining the purpose and the reason. It has been very bad habit inherited to SUGA government.

The overhaul should be focused, because of necessary huge amount of manpower and budget. But the activity of overhaul have posted neither on the Press Releases in official HP of Japan Tourism Agency nor the news in official HP of Go To Travel. It is very suspicious. They have notified the overhaul to the limited address, such as us, accommodation business owner (*picture attached), and some organization like Japan Ryokan & Hotel Association ( https://www.ryokan.or.jp/top/news/detail/421 ). Their way of public relations is also suspicious.


National treasury must get damaged by COVID-19 like disaster class. As one citizen of this country, I do hope that the tax we have paid does not get wasted and we do not give a debt to the future generation.

Thank you and you have a nice day by making unclear thing clear and publicizing the just cause.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





先週、Go To トラベルの事務局という人から電話が入りました。10月に登録施設 総点検を行うので、日程調整させてほしいとのこと。



① Go To トラベル また/まだ やるの?
② なぜ「今 」総点検?(政権が変わるかもしれないタイミング(総裁選・総選挙)直前で総点検するの?)
③ 今回の総点検にいったい何億円投入するの?点検結果は無駄にならないの?


このやり取りから、詐欺ではなさそうということは分かったものの、たらい回しのされ方や点検担当者の「研修」なるものの脆弱さから「総点検」自体の秘める問題点を感じました。つまり政権・内閣等の変更によりGo To施策の存続自体も不明確な中、総選挙直前に駆け込み・ねじ込んで「巨大な予算を特定の相手先に向けて執行」しようとしている不穏な動きです。ここが「予備費」たる所以なのかもしれません。

なお、この総点検、昨年行われた点検(玄関口で感染対応等、口頭確認)だけでなく、施設に上がりこんで感染対策を実地でチェックするそうです。そのため、昨年には数百人いたGo To トラベル事務局の人員が、今年に入って50人程度にまで削減されたものを、再び拡大(業務委託?)して対応するようです。

今回の「総点検」、投入人数・対応予算が巨大なことが容易に想像できる注目されるべき取り組みなのに、Go To トラベル公式サイトの「お知らせ」にも、観光庁公式サイトの「報道・会見」にも公表がありません。さらに怪しい施策です。公にされているのは宿泊施設に届いたハガキの内容(添付画像)と、日本旅館協会等の当該団体に対する通達(リンク: https://www.ryokan.or.jp/top/news/detail/421 )だけのようです。こうした広報の仕方もまた怪しい。




灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )