Japanese Title (邦題): 「最高のコラボレーション!」末尾に
Perfect Collaboration!
Good morning to the World and Kanmon!
This is a continuation of the previous article.

Let’s start with more descriptions and photos of Kagura.

With good weather, we could enjoy watching event with warm heat from Kagura’s fire.

In the shrine building, there is a space for visitor to enjoy AMAZAKE ( = Japanese warm rice drink).

The room was warm and comfortable to take a break.
I got a rice cakes for my souvenir from the goblin on the bamboo tree.

Under good weather and facility condition, we enjoy gorgeous, impressive, interesting and fun Kagura there.

When Kagura was close to the end, people started to move toward main building of shrine to prepare Mekari Shinji.
But as I noticed this later than others, my position was in second row and I have to watch the ceremony over the people in first row.

Three priests appear on time and received a sickle, a wooden bucket and a torch from a priest inside shrine.

After lighting touch, they walked down to the shore and start cutting Wakame (sea weed) and put them in the bucket.

The bucket was brought to the shrine’s main building again and was dedicated, being observed by bunch of audiences.

MEKARI-SHINJI is such a simple ceremony and not so much fun. I thought the event was boring but not, because of the collaboration with BUZEN-KAGURA. All event schedule was well structured, and total 4-hours event was very interesting and high quality tradition, for tourists. There are not so many audiences and it was very easy to see. Of course there were not tourists from overseas countries. So I think I should promote MEKARI-SHINJI in advance and prepare to bring guests from TOUKA to this event.
I want to promote this to my old friends who never see this, as well as the guests.
I recognize the quality level of my home town from the tourism point of view.
Thank you and you have a nice day, noticing true value which you have overlooked for long time.
from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )










刈り取られた和布は桶のまま本殿へ。 その様子を一目見ようと集まる見物客に取り囲まれる中、無事奉納されました。
和布刈神事自体はこんな風に単純な行事なので、豊前神楽とコラボすることで、神事までの時間を神々しく、楽しく過ごすことができました。 神楽スタートからトータルで4時間ほどのイベントは、このコラボ効果のおかげで充実した構成に仕上がっていて、観光資源としてもなかなかのクオリティーだと思いました。
故郷の伝統行事ながら「和布を刈るだけの面白みのない行事」だと聞いていたので、これまで一度も見物したことはありませんでした。 今回初めて見物してみて、結構見ごたえのある観光行事だと実感しました。 地元住民のなかに同じような認識があるせいか、天候が恵まれていたにもかかわらず、見物客は予想以上に少なく、ゆっくりじっくり見ることができました。もちろん外国人観光客はほぼ皆無で、すごくもったいない気がしたほどです。「灯火」としても来年は事前準備をして、ゲストさんを連れて来たいなあと考えています。
灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )