Japanese Title (邦題): 「ここ郷土の隠れた名産 〜 逸品!」末尾に
Hidden/Unfamiliar quality specialty of this Hometown!
Good morning to the World and Kanmon!
After cleaning this guesthouse, I visited my parent’s house. But no one there.
After a while, they came back with the sound of opening the shutter door with holding a large white box in their arms.
What I saw, when I open white cardboard box…
It contained 5kg of EELs.
(Baked eels, which are very expensive cooking material in Japan.)
They bought them from their friend at unbelievable cheep price.
They packed eels, which is very large I cannot see in restaurant, into smaller bags and distributed to their other friends and relatives.
My mother cooked the half of remaining eels and those went in to my stomach.
I cannot tell how many eels I ate.
According to my parent, the friend decided to expand eel farm, because the reputation of their eel is very high (quality and size)in the market. Not many people knows it but this may became bigger speciality of this area than current king “oysters”.
(I am quite confident, because they do oyster firming too.)
What I want to inherit from my parent is:
not their money and assets, which I know not so much,
but the human networks they have maintained.
I’d be lying if I said that I am not expecting to get it by coming back to my hometown younger than ordinary Japanese can do.
Thank you and you have nice new year food, during the period you came back to your hometown during the new year vacation.
P.S. In the past, I have felt the new year food in my home was a little different from normal Japanese family. This time, my knowing how they get the material make me exciting for the coming new year dishes. I am so proud myself as a Japanese, who knows how delicious winter eels are and who can eat it in hometown.
from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
ここ郷土の隠れた名産 〜 逸品!
宿の掃除を終え、車で5分 チャリで3分の実家に戻ると、珍しく誰もいません。
聞けば、そのクオリティーの高さから、この貴重なる正真正銘の国産、郷土の逸品は市場でもかなり評価が高いらしく、その知り合いは近い将来 養殖設備を拡張する計画だそうで、もしかしたら現在の「牡蠣」を超える名産品になる予感がします。
もしかしたら、両親から自分が一番相続したいのは、元々期待できないことが分かっている金銭・資産ではなくて、こうした人的ネットワークなのかもしれません。 人より早くジモトに帰ってきたことで、淡い期待をしていないというと嘘になってしまうかもしれません。
P.S. 毎年、帰省の度、おせちでない我が家の正月料理を有り難いとは感じていました。 今回その入手過程を知り、来るお正月にさらにワクワクしています。 冬の鰻の旨さを知り、それを産地でもある故郷で食せる、そんな日本人に生まれて良かったと心から感じています。
灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )