50パーシェント 取れるといいね / Very doubtful to get majority

Japanese Title (邦題): 「50パーシェント 取れるといいね」末尾に


Very doubtful to get majority

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Suga Cabinet will resign soon. According to ONLY his speech at press conference last night, it seemed to be very reliable cabinet.
( NHK News: https://plus.nhk.jp/watch/st/g1_2021092803071 )


After their measure against COVID-19 pandemic, the clinical usage rate went down below 50%. But Suga cabinet disapproval rate is going up to 50% now. We think that It can’t be helped.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 23.23.29
( https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/shijiritsu/ )

My personal image about the cabinet (both ABE and SUGA) is “Ignoring their people” cabinet.

They said that they will snuggle up to people in Okinawa, but they ignore the result of the prefectural referendum. They have ignored request of holding an extraordinary session of the Diet by opposition alliance, who are also representing people of this country, and they may resign without holding it. They had ignored the request of re-investigation about Mr. Akagi’s death in ministry of finance. They have kept ignoring their inconvenient requests.

Another image about the cabinet is “Unfair” cabinet. But I will talk about this later.

So what I want about our government is that the current ruling party takes less than majority at the coming general election.

We do want the cabinet/government who will face to the people seriously

Thank you and you have a nice day in the nation where all people can feel happy.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


50パーシェント 取れるといいね


( NHK News: https://plus.nhk.jp/watch/st/g1_2021092803071 )



スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 23.23.29
( https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/shijiritsu/ )


辺野古で「寄り添う」といいながら県民投票の結果を「無視」。憲法に則って野党連合(野党といっても国民の代表です)がコロナ対策のための臨時国会招集を申請するも「無視」したまま退陣しそうな勢い 👉 憲法すら無視! 国民の代表がコロナ対策の報告を受ける議院運営委員会にも首相は出席要請を「無視」、官僚個人の尊厳を守ろうとする赤城ファイルに基づく財務省の再調査要請もまた「無視」等など、こんなのばっかりでした。





灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
