ご用心!!/ Caution!!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ご用心!!」末尾に



Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

On the cloudy day of the rainy season, I visited one place, where I usually doesn’t want to visit.


Because one incident happened, which have happened about 3 times a year among the guests of this guesthouse.


It is Lost Article.


In case our guests loose something in this guesthouse, we find during double check guest room at the time of their check-out. But we cannot do anything for the lost article outside of this guesthouse.

To make matters worse, this time the guest lost it after check-out on the way to the airport to go back home country.

However there were two good things in this lost article. At first, the guest could find the place of lost. Secondly the guest can speak/write Japanese and can prepare all documentations for police department. (We think there are few tourists who can do these by themselves.) As the result, we could receive it on behalf of the guest.

According to the window person in the Lost and Found in police department, they are taking care more and more foreign tourists’ lost articles lately. And unfortunately, most of articles haven’t been received in the regular term (3 months).

So we really want our guests to take care and double check by themselves not to lost anything both inside and outside of this guesthouse, to make their trip only good memories.

Thank you and you have a nice day without breaking into a cold sweat or loosing time for useless matter.

P.S. This time we take care this case. Because we are curious about the procedure of Lost and Found in police dept. and the guest is our precious repeater. We won’t do this again. So dear guests, please take care and care not to loose anything during your travel here.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
















P.S. 今回は警察での落とし物対応が知りたかったのと、そのゲストが当宿の大切なリピーターだったことから、代理として受け取りましたが、通常は対応できません。ゲストの皆さんにおかれましては、くれぐれも「忘れ物・落とし物」のないようご自身でお気をつけください。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

けっしてカジノではないっ!/ The Happiest Moment!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「けっしてカジノではないっ!」末尾に


The Happiest Moment!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

As our guests who check out yesterday left perfect wonderful smile, we want to share that with you.

The guests are two Korean guys.
They looked around Kokura, Mojiko, and Hakata and Holiday Monday, yesterday, was the last day of their 3-day-trip.

But they seemed nervous yesterday morning.
They came down to this reception, saying “we want your advice”.

According to them, they found out that one guy lost his wallet in Saturday midnight.
After check-out, they were planning to board on the flight 14:00.
There was not only cash, but also license and many credit cards in his lost wallet.

First of all, I made them to take it easy and hear the situation how he lost his wallet. I explained them that most possible place to get wallet returned is police and we went together to the Police Department Office in Moji quickly.

When we arrived at Police Department and started to explain “They are guests from Korea and yesterday night they lost …”, police officers said “That must be …”.

Yes, his lost wallet was already delivered to the police department!


Guest’s face with full of worries changed to happy smily face immediately.


They both kept saying each other “This is the Happiest Moment of this trip” and “Kitakyushu is the most wonderful place to visit.”


I have felt since I started this business.

What has kept fascinating foreign tourist heart in Japan is honest, faithful and heart-warming character of local people, as well as traditional sightseeing spots. When they really felt it through real experience, they got highest impression of Japan.
(In their case, it was more impressive than any Japanese grommet foods.)

Such precious experiences have been spread to the world through human relations with the power of internet/SNS. That information distributed to many people who have never been to Japan, stimulated their curiosity and made them to visit this country.

Sales point that any other country cannot imitate Japan is such “special commonsense and conscience of Japanese”. It never be the Casino which current government want to imitate from other countries.
(Casino is the system which makes more unhappy people than happy people. Why they want to establish new Casino law in Japan may be that his wife or their friends want to start Casino business in SAR.)

Thank you and you have a wonderful day, which resonates to your heart not to your money.

P.S. The guy who return his wallet in the picture was the policeman, who is in charge to instruct safety to us and the one of the big supporter of TOUKA.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





そのゲストはイケメン韓流男子 二人組。
















P.S. ちなみに、なくした財布を手渡している警察官。たまたまですが、当宿「灯火」の安全・警備指導担当をしていただいているイケメン警察官です。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

ガイジン気分を味わう!/ Feel like being a GAIJIN!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ガイジン気分を味わう!」末尾に


Feel like being a GAIJIN!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I have just experienced wonderful feeling which some of our guests felt in Japan.

After swimming in brand-new pool, I found out that I lost one thing after I came back home.

It was a small coin purse. There was several hundred yen in it and I thought it will never come back.


But it was at Lost and Found window of the sports center.

I didn’t surprise in the past but I admire the characteristic of Japanese very much this time. Because I saw not a few guests had same experience during their travel.

Don’t you come and visit to the wonder country, in where people think it is natural, but tourists feel amazing.

However there are many non-Japanese people in Tokyo and Osaka. You had better travel local county side of Japan.

Thank you and you have an usual but amazing nice day.

P.S. Unfortunately there was one time a guest lost but never found it again. He lost his passport issued in Singapore. We feel item such as passport will be brought to lost and found but not in his case. He put cash of Korean Won and Chinese Yen with his passport. That was whole amount he was planning to spend them at each country on the way back his home. We Japanese feel really sorry to him.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )










住んでる人間には当たり前だけど、スゴいことが起こる国 日本、一度いらしてみませんか?

ただ、最近 東京・大阪辺りでは日本人でない人も多くいるので、スゴくないかも。


P.S. これまで唯一落し物が出てこなかったのは、シンガポールからのゲストのパスポート。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ