ガイジン気分を味わう!/ Feel like being a GAIJIN!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ガイジン気分を味わう!」末尾に


Feel like being a GAIJIN!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I have just experienced wonderful feeling which some of our guests felt in Japan.

After swimming in brand-new pool, I found out that I lost one thing after I came back home.

It was a small coin purse. There was several hundred yen in it and I thought it will never come back.


But it was at Lost and Found window of the sports center.

I didn’t surprise in the past but I admire the characteristic of Japanese very much this time. Because I saw not a few guests had same experience during their travel.

Don’t you come and visit to the wonder country, in where people think it is natural, but tourists feel amazing.

However there are many non-Japanese people in Tokyo and Osaka. You had better travel local county side of Japan.

Thank you and you have an usual but amazing nice day.

P.S. Unfortunately there was one time a guest lost but never found it again. He lost his passport issued in Singapore. We feel item such as passport will be brought to lost and found but not in his case. He put cash of Korean Won and Chinese Yen with his passport. That was whole amount he was planning to spend them at each country on the way back his home. We Japanese feel really sorry to him.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )










住んでる人間には当たり前だけど、スゴいことが起こる国 日本、一度いらしてみませんか?

ただ、最近 東京・大阪辺りでは日本人でない人も多くいるので、スゴくないかも。


P.S. これまで唯一落し物が出てこなかったのは、シンガポールからのゲストのパスポート。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

やってはいけないこと二つ!/ The Two Things you should not do!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「やってはいけないこと二つ!」末尾に


The Two Things you should not do!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

The guest came from the country of everlasting summer.


He is a repeating user of TOUKA.
He planned to stay long this time as long as last time.

However he met with a unexpected trouble in his third day.

He lost his passport during his sightseeing around Kanmon area.

He was cycling on the rental bicycle.
As weather and temperature was not stable, he put his jacket from/into his daypack many time. He say that he might drop his passport that time.

On behalf of him, I made phone call to police department of both side of strait. But no good news from them yet.

So he decided to visit the consulate and request them issuing passport again. And h de checked out in a hurry. He went to ferry terminal to board on the boat to OSAKA.

On the way back from police department, he seemed to be exhausted and disappointed.
And he said that he learned a lot from this trouble, and pay extra attention.

As a manager of an hostel, I want all guests learned from his this trouble.

1. Never throw passport into bag/daypack. To keep it inside pocket of the bag carefully.

2. Never put passport, cash and other important item in same pouch.
(He lost everything, because he put them all together in his pouch.)

He could arrange his schedule even after this trouble, because his schedule was flexible.
But if he is traveling with FIX air ticket, it can be very critical.

We planned to go out together to see the illumination event (but he couldn’t).
I want to dedicate a song played at mini concert in the event area to him.


“You don’t need to be depressed, because there is both good day and bad day. Let’s be in happy mood!”

Thank you and you have a nice day, without repeating the same mistake.

P.S. Before 1.5 years since we opened TOUKA, we started to have repeater guests. We have appreciated this situation very much. We really hoping that he will come and stay here again.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )














1.  パスポートなど貴重品はカバンに投げ込まない。カバンの内ポケットなど他の荷物と分けて入れておく。

2. パスポートは現金や他の貴重品とは一緒に保管しない。




「人生なんて良い時も悪い時もあるんだから♫ 落ち込んでばかりないで、明るくいきましょう♫」



P.S. 開業一年半経たずして、リピーターのゲストさんも増えてきました。本当に有難いことだと思います。感謝! これに懲りずに彼にもまた来てほしいですね。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ