吹雪の前の青空 / Blue sky just before blizzard

Japanese Title (邦題): 「吹雪の前の青空」末尾に


Blue sky just before blizzard

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

It seems that we will have snow storm here in Kanmon, locating in Japanese sea side even in Kyuryu area.

We had a good and warm weather on Tuesday because of that.


According weather forecast, blizzard will stay till new year day and we are expecting white new year day.

Because of COVID-19 pandemic, we will have new year day and eve without our guests for the first time in years.

On normal new year eve, we had stay with our guests and enjoyed countdown fireworks event together and climb up mountain to see new year sunrise with eating sweet bean soup. However both events will cancelled because of COVID-19. So white snow will erase our sad feeling of disappointment quietly.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-30 1.28.41

スクリーンショット 2020-12-30 1.25.17

This may be gentle consideration of our god who thinks that few people become sad with cancellations of events due to heavy snow. (We cannot go to the event with heavy snow, no matter with COVID-19.)

By the way, though we won’t have fireworks, we have been able to see an astronomical show everyday in these days.

More than a week has passed since the day of great approach and they are a little apart from each other, But we can see Jupiter and Saturn shining close each other.



If we all wish upon the stars together, the virus may disappear from this world.

Thank you and you have a positive and nice day.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )










スクリーンショット 2020-12-30 1.28.41

スクリーンショット 2020-12-30 1.25.17








灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

リスク転じてメリットに!/ Transforming Risk into Merit!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「リスク転じてメリットに!」末尾に


Transforming Risk into Merit!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Government’s program “Go To Travel” is temporary stopped now. It was designed unfairly for the guests who stay luxury resort and expensive Japanese Ryokan with hot spring and they can receive bigger discount. So small and cheap guesthouse, like us, who want provide comfortable stay for the guests, are disadvantaged in the program.

So we tried to appeal that to the Go To inspector during her visit here. However it doesn’t seem that our complaints will reach to our government nor policy advisers, who are puppeteers hidden behind the program. So we decide to consider our own way to utilize “Go To Travel” for our repeater guests to receive proper benefit from “Go To Travel”.

We tried “Go To Travel” actually for ourselves to understand the system before third wave of infection hit Japan.


After using “Go To Travel”, we understand clearly that “Go To Travel” is unfair program not only as a policy, but also its structure and system which were designed unfairly for the guest of cheap hostel/guesthouse. In addition, system and rules are very difficult to understand.


We decide to make our own action and measure about “Go To Travel” during this temporary service stop period for our guest to get fair merit from the program. So please expect it, our dear guests!

Thank you and you have a nice day, being strong in unreasonable situation of this world.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




現在一時サービス停止となっている「Go To トラベル」。割引額が大きい高級リゾート・高級旅館にばかり利用者の関心が高まるように設計された仕組みなので、安価で快適な宿泊を提供したい当宿のようなゲストハウスにはとても不利で不公平な施策です。

そのことを感染対策の調査にやってきたGo Toの調査員に訴えても、その声を政府や裏で糸引くアドバイザー達にも届きそうにないので、当宿なりに対策を考えました。当宿を気に入り繰り返し利用いただくゲストさんたちのために、、、

というわけで、第三波で感染急拡大する前に自ら試してみました「Go To トラベル」!


実際に使ってみると、Go Toは政策として不公平なだけでなく、仕組みやシステムもまた安宿を利用するゲストには不利になるようにできていることが良く理解できました。その上、システムの扱い方やルールなどなかなか分かりにくい。




灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



いったい何やってんの?!/ What is our government doing?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「いったい何やってんの?!」末尾に


What is our government doing?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

According to internet info, TV news and newspapers, our government will stop “Go To Travel” tourism promotion program temporary till Jan.11, which was introduced under the auspices of Suga’s Cabinet in this summer.


Speaking of Go To program, an inspector came here last week to examine our level of infection prevention measures as an Go To program participating hostel.

The inspector gave me a list of questionnaire at the entrance of this guesthouse and I fill the sheet. That seems to be the style of government instructed inspection. She said that she have to drive to Itoshima area, east of Fukuoka, 1.5 hours drive from here, to inspect her last accommodation.

I simply felt that this kind of inspection is really effective for infection prevention. She have visited more than 60 accommodations, including that in deep forest. Inspectors from Tokyo examine hotels in downtown. I wonder how much budget(=tax payed by us) is spent for this?

Since the planning stage of the program, we have believed that there is more important tasks rather than promoting with discounting coupon. We participate in the program not to promoting this guesthouse, but to make our repeater guests to receive the benefit from the program. That is our idea about Go To program.

Unfortunately virus inspection was never discussed in each stage of consideration nor execution nor diffusion of the program. As the result, we are in the middle of third wave of pandemic anywhere in Japan and many critical patients in hospitals. The most important thing is not only measures in accommodation but also how to stop infected people moving in this country. Honesty speaking, we think that we cannot avoid infection, no matter how we prepared not to get infected, once infected guests spend one night in this facility. The tasks with the highest priority are inspecting guests before they start traveling, inspecting staff of accommodation periodically, and to establish the process of inspection in this country. We believe that our government should gather ideas and spend money to achieve it.

Thank you and you have an effective and nice day with racking your brain.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




ネット・テレビ・新聞によると、本日より1月11日までの期間、菅政権肝いりの「Go To トラベル」が一時サービス停止されるそうです。


Go Toといえば、、、先週、Go To トラベルの宿泊事業者に対する「感染拡大防止対策の実施状況調査」と銘打って調査員さんが当宿にもいらっしゃいました。


調査を受けて率直に感じました。これって感染拡大防止に効果あるの? 調査員さんの話ではこれまで県内のかなり奥地にある施設も含め60以上の施設に調査に行ったそうです。市街地の施設には東京などから来た調査員が対応されているとのこと、一体どんだけ費用(税金)を投入しているんでしょう?

Go Toについて当宿の姿勢は、国会で施策が審議されている頃より、「観光を促進」する前にやるべきことがあるだろうという考えです。宿として事業には参加していますが、それによって販促しようとは毛頭考えておらず、主にリピーターゲストさん達に費用面で有利に利用いただきたいという姿勢です。

各種Go To事業については、検討〜実施〜普及を通して一度も「検査」について焦点があたることはなく、その結果、全国津々浦々で感染者・重傷者が増加しているという状況です。施設側の感染対策は必要ですが、それよりも「いかに感染者の移動を食い止めるか」の方が重要ではないでしょうか?正直どんなに感染対策しても、感染者が滞在したら自らの感染リスクは回避できないだろうなという恐怖を持っています。旅行者には旅行直前の検査を、施設スタッフには定期的な検査を義務付けること、そしてその体制づくりに知恵と費用を投入することが最優先だというのが当宿の見解です。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )