きっと大丈夫!/ We must be OK!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「きっと大丈夫!」末尾に


We must be OK!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

One of my friends for more than 30 years since university days got infected.

He is a close friend with whom I went volunteering for disaster area a few years ago.

According to him, it has been very hard for him to get reservation/advice from a doctor.

But we must be OK!

Because our government is saying “No behavior restriction is needed” for us and “we can get over this situation”.

(Data: NHK news )

We may have historical record high number of infected people in Japan. But we must be OK.

We may have high fever but no medical support. But we must be OK.

We may wait in a long line for PCR inspection. But we must be OK.

Medical practitioners may not be able to spare time to get boosted due to being busy for their patients. But we must be OK.

They may get infected or be close contact person and may not be able to participate any medical activity. But we must be OK.

You may be involved in serious accidents or suffer from cardiovascular disease, but any emergent medical treatment cannot be provided. But we must be OK.

Ambulances may be in trouble to their patients’ destination. But we must be OK.

Because the party in power who was selected by ourselves is saying “No behavior restriction is needed”. So we should believe it and endure, to say it properly, we can enjoy summer vacation as much as possible, as far as following basic infection prevention method.

Thank you and you have a wonderful summer vacation.

P.S. Who will say “He is the emperor with no clothes” in Japan.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )









(Data: NHK news )










P.S. 結局のところ、誰が「王様は裸だ」って言うんでしょうね?

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

専門家なのに見逃すの?!それとも国をあげての箝口令?/ Even specialists overlook THEM?! Or the gag law is imposed in this country?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「専門家なのに見逃すの?!それとも国をあげての箝口令?」末尾に


Even specialists overlook THEM?! Or the gag law is imposed in this country?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I was watching morning TV news yesterday. And I was just wondering one topic.

(“Good morning Nippon” NHK Sep. 15  )

They said that it is not clear why pandemic in this summer was so suddenly increases/decreased.




Three specialist commented with several reasons, but all of them forget one big event.

In July this year, G7 was held at Cornwall, England and pandemic was occurred there. And it is very similar as Tokyo this summer.


We can understand (not agree) that event organizers and politicians want to keep the root cause ambiguous. Mass media and specialist should take a deep dive on this problem.

Study, learn, and investigate the relation between Olympic/Paralympic and COVID-19 pandemic must be the most important legacy after those events, we think.

Thank you and you have a nice day, learning from big mistakes.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





( 「おはよう日本」NHK Sep. 15   )











灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

いったい何やってんの?!/ What is our government doing?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「いったい何やってんの?!」末尾に


What is our government doing?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

According to internet info, TV news and newspapers, our government will stop “Go To Travel” tourism promotion program temporary till Jan.11, which was introduced under the auspices of Suga’s Cabinet in this summer.


Speaking of Go To program, an inspector came here last week to examine our level of infection prevention measures as an Go To program participating hostel.

The inspector gave me a list of questionnaire at the entrance of this guesthouse and I fill the sheet. That seems to be the style of government instructed inspection. She said that she have to drive to Itoshima area, east of Fukuoka, 1.5 hours drive from here, to inspect her last accommodation.

I simply felt that this kind of inspection is really effective for infection prevention. She have visited more than 60 accommodations, including that in deep forest. Inspectors from Tokyo examine hotels in downtown. I wonder how much budget(=tax payed by us) is spent for this?

Since the planning stage of the program, we have believed that there is more important tasks rather than promoting with discounting coupon. We participate in the program not to promoting this guesthouse, but to make our repeater guests to receive the benefit from the program. That is our idea about Go To program.

Unfortunately virus inspection was never discussed in each stage of consideration nor execution nor diffusion of the program. As the result, we are in the middle of third wave of pandemic anywhere in Japan and many critical patients in hospitals. The most important thing is not only measures in accommodation but also how to stop infected people moving in this country. Honesty speaking, we think that we cannot avoid infection, no matter how we prepared not to get infected, once infected guests spend one night in this facility. The tasks with the highest priority are inspecting guests before they start traveling, inspecting staff of accommodation periodically, and to establish the process of inspection in this country. We believe that our government should gather ideas and spend money to achieve it.

Thank you and you have an effective and nice day with racking your brain.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




ネット・テレビ・新聞によると、本日より1月11日までの期間、菅政権肝いりの「Go To トラベル」が一時サービス停止されるそうです。


Go Toといえば、、、先週、Go To トラベルの宿泊事業者に対する「感染拡大防止対策の実施状況調査」と銘打って調査員さんが当宿にもいらっしゃいました。


調査を受けて率直に感じました。これって感染拡大防止に効果あるの? 調査員さんの話ではこれまで県内のかなり奥地にある施設も含め60以上の施設に調査に行ったそうです。市街地の施設には東京などから来た調査員が対応されているとのこと、一体どんだけ費用(税金)を投入しているんでしょう?

Go Toについて当宿の姿勢は、国会で施策が審議されている頃より、「観光を促進」する前にやるべきことがあるだろうという考えです。宿として事業には参加していますが、それによって販促しようとは毛頭考えておらず、主にリピーターゲストさん達に費用面で有利に利用いただきたいという姿勢です。

各種Go To事業については、検討〜実施〜普及を通して一度も「検査」について焦点があたることはなく、その結果、全国津々浦々で感染者・重傷者が増加しているという状況です。施設側の感染対策は必要ですが、それよりも「いかに感染者の移動を食い止めるか」の方が重要ではないでしょうか?正直どんなに感染対策しても、感染者が滞在したら自らの感染リスクは回避できないだろうなという恐怖を持っています。旅行者には旅行直前の検査を、施設スタッフには定期的な検査を義務付けること、そしてその体制づくりに知恵と費用を投入することが最優先だというのが当宿の見解です。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )