地元発 癒やしのサウンド!/ Sound of Relaxation made in this area!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「地元発 癒やしのサウンド!」末尾に


Sound of Relaxation made in this area!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

On the last article, I described about “wind rumor house” as brand-new local healing spot. However some of reader may not know about “wind rumor”. So I introduce “wind rumor” again.


It need a little long time to explain how we meet together so I skipped it. Anyway sound of “wind rumor” has been strong support of us to create relaxed morning time for our guests from various countries since the open of TOUKA.

The atmosphere created by the corroboration of “wind rumor” and TOUKA is this.
( https://www.facebook.com/touka.kanmon )

Please refer following URL for live video of “wind rumor”.
( https://www.youtube.com )

I have listened their music every day for 2 years and 2 months. Their music is always comfortable and refresh my mind to tune in the beginning of new day in Kanmon.

Thank you and you have a nice start of the day with wonderful music.

P.S. Both “wind rumor” and TOUKA are healing contents made in this town, Moji.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


地元発 癒やしのサウンド!


先の記事で新しいヒーリング拠点“wind rumor house”を紹介しましたが、“wind rumor”のサウンドに触れたことのない人もいるかもしれないと、あらためて“wind rumor”さんを紹介します。


“wind rumor”さんとの出会いは、、、長くなるので割愛しますが、とにかく開業以来、wind rumorサウンドはTOUKAの朝のBGMとして、国内外からいらっしゃるゲストの皆さんにくつろぎの空間を創造する強力なサポーターです。

その雰囲気は以前動画記事( October 25, 2016 ) で紹介したとおり。
( https://www.facebook.com/touka.kanmon )

“wind rumor”の演奏動画はこちらをどうぞ!
( https://www.youtube.com )



P.S. “wind rumor”も「灯火」もご当地門司初の寛ぎのコンテンツです。門司出身の人には是非体感してもらいたいコラボレーションです。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

素敵なヒーリング・スポットがまたひとつ!/ Another wonderful healing spot coming soon!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「素敵なヒーリング・スポットがまたひとつ!」末尾に


Another wonderful healing spot coming soon!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

We have a nice BGM for every relaxing morning in TOUKA. The player is local music duo “wind rumor” Last week our CD stock run out, as many guests who become fun of “wind rumor” bought their CD from us.

We contacted wind rumor to fill our stock and they recommend me to visit their new music base. So I visited their brand-new “wind rumor house”.



They just got inspection by city healthcare dept. and are ready to open house now. The “wind rumor house” is in wonderful natural environment, and I take shots of their cool atmosphere with our new gear.

[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/0DAB9C19-AB6F-406C-935D-21975E2EEED6.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]

Their location is in the woods, even local people in this town never visited. It is real hideaway with healing air. “wind rumor” will stay there and create new comfortable sounds between touring everywhere in Japan. The “wind rumor house” is surrounded by smooth wind as our TOUKA. I recommend exhausted city people to be healed in nature, art, coffee aroma and comfortable music of “wind rumor”.


[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/56936E9E-90BB-4654-B538-F7159714995B.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]

Between ourselves, there are wonderful places are increasing in the area of this town, where is not popular tourist sites.

Thank you and you have a nice day, those in the know, know.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




「灯火」でのくつろぎの朝を演出してくれるBGM。プレーヤーは地元の音楽デュオwind rumorさん。彼らの音楽を気に入ってくれたゲストさんたちが立て続けにCDを購入してくれたおかげで、「灯火」で持っていたストックが売り切れになってしまいました。

wind rumorさんにCDの補充をお願いしたところ、新しく活動の拠点をまもなくオープンするということなので、CDをいただきがてら、その拠点“wind rumor house”を訪問してきました。




[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/0DAB9C19-AB6F-406C-935D-21975E2EEED6.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]

地元の人でもなかなか行かない隠れ家的なヒーリング・スポット。ここでのんびり音楽カフェを展開するそうです。wind rumor houseを包み込むように当宿「灯火」にも通じる「いい風」が吹いていて、都会の喧騒で疲れた人にはぜひ、自然・アート・コーヒーと音楽とに心洗われて欲しいです。


[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/56936E9E-90BB-4654-B538-F7159714995B.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

人生、後ろ向きまで含めて見方を変えることにしました!/ Got Different Viewpoints of Life!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「人生、後ろ向きまで含めて見方を変えることにしました!」末尾に


Got Different Viewpoints of Life!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I suddenly had one idea came up in my mind and I decided to get different viewpoint.

[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/8A02A5BE-D7EA-43E4-9DD7-A4B774116B3A.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]


So I will try to promote hidden good aspects of this town from the unique viewpoint.

Thank you and you have a nice day, having fun with things you haven’t been able to see.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





[vrview img=”http://touka-kanmon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/8A02A5BE-D7EA-43E4-9DD7-A4B774116B3A.jpg” width=”550″ height=”550″ ]



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ


