古代の『お・も・て・な・し』のように / Back to the Origin!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「古代の『お・も・て・な・し』のように、、、」末尾に


Back to the Origin!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

According to the news, LCC fly everyday between Seoul to Kitakyushu, starting this week.


Since the middle of Dec, guests from Korea have increased in TOUKA.
It was the influence of the LCC starting flight into Kitakyushu last Dec.

Everyday flight from Korea makes us to expect more Korean young guests will come to TOUKA, because all guests from Korea have been so nice.

Recently I knew that there are Korean origin name of places in Moji.

Following three places are named after the ancient ships from Korean three countries landed.

*Shirakizaki was named after Shiragi-saki. (Silla 신라)

*Kuduha was named after Kudara-hama. (Baekje 백제)

and …

*Our KOMORIE was named after Koma-no Irie. (Goryeo 고려)


Now new Korean generations are coming not by the ancient ships but LCC airplanes,

TOUKA will keep welcome Korean young travelers to KOMORIE,
like ancient people in Moji welcome Korean ships in 4th century.

Thank you and you have a nice day, thinking about ancient OMOTENASHI.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




ニュースによると、今週よりLCCが ソウル〜北九州間の便を毎日運行に増便するそうです。









*なんと、我らが 小森江





灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

おぉっ、すごく キレイになったね! / Wow, it is getting better!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「おぉっ、すごく キレイになったね!」末尾に


Wow, it is getting better!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Nearest train station from TOUKA is Komorie station, which is the smallest station of Kagoshima Line in the city of Kitakyushu.

Few days ago, I noticed that there is something different around the station.


What is different?

Rest Room in the station is different from used to be.


It used to be Japanese Style old one, but it is western style brand-new one now. And of course, it is made of TOTO*, which is the company of Kitakyushu.
(* It is not the name of Rock’n Roll band.  )
(* Sorry for Steve Lukather. )

From now on, our precious guests will not be surprised, when they use the rest room of Komorie station.

By the way, almost of all new buildings in this city install TOTO’s restroom equipment. Building which doesn’t have TOTO restroom must be made by outsider, most of people here think so. People in Kitakyushu really love the products of TOTO very much.

Of course, in TOUKA, all three restrooms and shower(bath) room is TOTO.

Please enjoy Kitakyushu with your butt, with your whole body!

Thank you and you have a clean day, with Japanese style sanitary ware.

P.S. I want tourists from foreign countries, specially tourists from Asian counties, to try sanitary ware of Japan (Kitakyushu) and WASHLET. Because such experiences must be good for the improvement of sanitary environment of each countries and individual house holding.

(* In Kitakyushu, there is a very clean museum of sanitary ware too. )

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


おぉっ、すごく キレイになったね!






トイレ が!


これまでイマイチだったので話題にしませんでしたが、最近まで和式だったのが、とうとう洋式ウォシュレット・タイプに。 それも もちろん地元の誇る “TOTO”社製。
(*ロックバンドではない TOTO ですよ!  )


さて、この街で新築して “TOTO” でない店はモグリ(笑)、というぐらいTOTO熱・愛の強い街 北九州。

もちろん、当宿「灯火」のトイレも、お風呂(シャワールーム)までも “TOTO”社製!


P.S. 特にアジアからの旅行者の皆さんには、御自国・ご自宅の衛生化のためにも日本が、北九州が誇る衛生陶器、そして「ウォシュレット」使ってみてもらいたいですね。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

ゼンリンさん、ありがとう! / Thank you, ZENRIN!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ゼンリンさん、ありがとう!」末尾に


Thank you, ZENRIN!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

When I was looking for something through Google, I found that TOUKA is shown on “Google Street View”.

(Photo on Street View says Oct. 2016. So I guess that it start showing very recently. Without shown on “Google Street View”, I spend hard time to explain how to get here.)


Many guests inquired Google for TOUKA and ZENRIN (=biggest mapping company in Japan and business partner of Google. Headquarter locates in our city of Kitakyushu) may decided to dispatch Street View car to such a private street on narrow and steep hill. TOUKA is clearly shown on Street View photo with the sea of Kanmon Strait, though the view on Street View is not as good as that of our guest room.

There are issues concerning privacy around “Google Street View” and there is a risk for us to lose hideaway character, but I believe that convenience of our guests is most important for us. So we thank ZENRIN very much.

The guests who visited TOUKA are really fine people, and I feel that future guests are also wonderful. So it is good for them to get good reference information of access to TOUKA without loosing their way.

From the view of complete access from station, pedestrian’s street near station is not shown yet, but street around TOUKA becomes very clear on “Google Street View”.

Thank you and you have a wonderful year, without loosing your way.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




Googleで探しものをしていて、ふとしたことから「灯火」がGoogle Street Viewで表示されるようになっていることに気付きました。

(画像には2016年10月とあるので、アップされたのは比較的最近でしょう。それ以前はStreet Viewで表示されなかったため、アクセスを説明するのにいつも苦労していました。)


これまで何人ものゲストさん達が「灯火」に来るのに、何度も地図検索をした結果、ゼンリンがストリートビュー・カーをよこしたのかもしれません。 (ゼンリンはここ北九州市に本社がある日本最大の地図情報会社です。) Street Viewには営業中の「灯火」の玄関も写っています。 ゲストルームから見える景色ほど素敵ではありませんが、海のみえるロケーションだということも分かります。

それにしても、こんな細く急な私道の奥深くまで入ってくるGoogleカーの積極性には驚くばかりです。 Google Street Viewにはプライバシーの問題があり、「灯火」としては隠れ家的雰囲気が失われるリスクもありますが、やはりゲストさん達が迷わずに「灯火」に来れるという利便性の向上をありがたいと考えます。


最寄りの小森江駅から「灯火」へのアクセスという見地からは、あと一箇所、駅横の車両通行禁止の広い歩道がStreet View未公開(ゼンリンさん、是非ココもお願いします)ですが、それでも、ずいぶん分かりやすくなったと思います。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ