オープンすべきなのはむしろ?!/ What should we open, rather than the station?!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「オープンすべきなのはむしろ?!」末尾に


What should we open, rather than the station?!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

A few weeks ago, I put this topic on the article and professional journalist investigated and reported.

According to the news he wrote, tourist city pass of neighbor city was sold more than 80,000pcs and it became a big hit of their inbound strategy. It create Win-Win-Win relationship among transportation companies, local government and tourists from foreign countries.


On the other hand, city pass of this town made user to say “I won’t use this no more than Airport Bus.”

If tourists utilize this city pass as much as they can, they don’t use the historic station, which is schedule to have grand opening next month. It is very disappointing phenomenon it creates in this area.

As a tourist pass, it must be convenient, efficient, and economic gear for them. Or we will have tourist outflow as well as population outflow. Is it only myself who worry about it as a one member in the tourism industry.

The key player is not in the transportation companies. What we should do is just to follow the method of neighbor city. I wonder why the key player don’t understand the important role of local government.

Thank you and you have a efficient day as well as a reasonable day.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





なんと、となり街の交通パスは年間8万枚が売れる大ヒットになっているそうです。交通各社、自治体、そして旅行者とが Win-Win-Win の盛り上がりです。







灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



オチとみるか、教訓と考えるか?/ Is it just punchline of the episode or important lesson to learn?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「オチとみるか、教訓と考えるか?」末尾に


Is it just punchline of the episode or important lesson to learn?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

This is about special bus pass “Kitakyushu City Pass” for tourists from Korea.

Our guests tried to utilize the passes, but the guests ABANDONed to use them up finally. It seems the guests decided not to use after comparing convenience and trip schedule. They found that they can’t solve a problem without making some critical sacrifice.

Seller of the pass might not care about how users feel when they use the pass and used them up or not. But if I put myself in guest’s shoes, I feel some kind of trouble to be solved in this episode.

*Should seller think about any improvement about service contents?
*Doesn’t local government think about convenience of tourists who visit this town all the way from foreign countries.
*What do we want them to spread through internet or not spread?

I believe we have to decide what we should do now considering how we want to be 5 years later.
The hint/solution is in the neighbor city surprisingly. I wonder if we could notice it or we pretend not to notice it. I cannot help feeling that we are now in the face of doubts about the attitudes for hospitality.


One man’s fault is another’s lesson.

This guesthouse “TOUKA” has been thinking of our style be be reviewed by our guests “Quite better than we expected”. So we keep recommending/advising really good spots and convenient service to our guests.

Thank you and you have a wonderful day, by adopting only good thing/idea into your life.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




外国人向けにプロモーション価格で発行されているバスのKitakyushu City Pass





citypass01(↑まちがい探し: 上記は失敗例と成功例です。どこが間違っているでしょう?)



★P.S. 模範解答はこちらへ:
( やっぱり連名の一番上が鍵を握っているのかな? )

<主:英 / 従:日> #北九州シティパス, #バスサービス, #共通パス, #改善点, #地方自治体の役割, #よりよい方法を他に見習う, #リーダーシップ, #仲介役, #宿泊, #灯火, #関門, #下関, #門司, #門司港