オチとみるか、教訓と考えるか?/ Is it just punchline of the episode or important lesson to learn?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「オチとみるか、教訓と考えるか?」末尾に


Is it just punchline of the episode or important lesson to learn?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

This is about special bus pass “Kitakyushu City Pass” for tourists from Korea.

Our guests tried to utilize the passes, but the guests ABANDONed to use them up finally. It seems the guests decided not to use after comparing convenience and trip schedule. They found that they can’t solve a problem without making some critical sacrifice.

Seller of the pass might not care about how users feel when they use the pass and used them up or not. But if I put myself in guest’s shoes, I feel some kind of trouble to be solved in this episode.

*Should seller think about any improvement about service contents?
*Doesn’t local government think about convenience of tourists who visit this town all the way from foreign countries.
*What do we want them to spread through internet or not spread?

I believe we have to decide what we should do now considering how we want to be 5 years later.
The hint/solution is in the neighbor city surprisingly. I wonder if we could notice it or we pretend not to notice it. I cannot help feeling that we are now in the face of doubts about the attitudes for hospitality.


One man’s fault is another’s lesson.

This guesthouse “TOUKA” has been thinking of our style be be reviewed by our guests “Quite better than we expected”. So we keep recommending/advising really good spots and convenient service to our guests.

Thank you and you have a wonderful day, by adopting only good thing/idea into your life.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




外国人向けにプロモーション価格で発行されているバスのKitakyushu City Pass





citypass01(↑まちがい探し: 上記は失敗例と成功例です。どこが間違っているでしょう?)



★P.S. 模範解答はこちらへ:
( やっぱり連名の一番上が鍵を握っているのかな? )

<主:英 / 従:日> #北九州シティパス, #バスサービス, #共通パス, #改善点, #地方自治体の役割, #よりよい方法を他に見習う, #リーダーシップ, #仲介役, #宿泊, #灯火, #関門, #下関, #門司, #門司港

スゴい!とケチくさい!との間に?/ Big factor between great and shabby!

Japanese Title (邦題):「スゴい!とケチくさい!との間に?」末尾に


Big factor between great and shabby!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I have written about weakness of bus service for foreign travelers in this city. Are there any solutions for that?

I found it in the conversation with our guests.

About 30percent of our guests visit HAKATA during their stay here. Most of them buy a kind of Pass there. The Pass is called “FUKUOKA TOURIST CITY PASS” and it is also for foreign travelers. Same bus company as Kitakyushu join in the member of the Pass but it is quite different from that of Kitakyushu.


What is different?

The service contents are quite different.

Their pass is a little more expensive but service includes subway and private railway. Furthermore JR is also included in their service contents. If you have this pass, you can go to airport, of course, and most of major sightseeing spots by shortest route.


On the other hand, Kitakyushu has similar pass but JR is out of the scope. However Kanmon ferry boat is included in the service. As the result, guests spend a lot of time in bus to ride ferry boat at Mojiko.
( I can feel some kind of strong readership and willing behind the Pass in Hakata which combines several transportation companies in competition.)

Many guests from foreign countries visiting Kitakyushu visit Hakata in their itinerary or have experience of visiting Hakata. So they naturally compare passes of both areas. As the result, they use pass of Hakata but that of Kitakyushu.
(Occasionally, currently staying guests are using Kitakyushu Pass and saying “TIRED”! Because they have to use only bus.)

There is two different services of transportation in two biggest designated cities in Fukuoka pref. One is brand new orange Bus only for GAIJIN tourists, prepared with big budget. Another one is the Pass for GAIJIN tourists, which can be used to ride existing major transportations, convenient to major sightseeing spots.

Which service do you want to use, if you were a GAIJIN?

Thank you and you have a nice day, with scrupulous care.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






当宿に滞在するゲストのうち3割程が「博多」に遊びにいくのですが、その際 ほとんどがあるパスを購入・利用しているようです。そのパスは「FUKUOKA TOURIST CITY PASS」と呼ばれ、外国人旅行者向けのサービスです。同じバス会社が参画していますが、北九州のそれとは大きく異なります。









P.S. ちなみに「FUKUOKA TOURIST CITY PASS」は絶大なる支持を得ているようです。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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