パンデミックの上手な活用法 / Smart use of pandemic to our advantage

Japanese Title (邦題): 「パンデミックの上手な活用法」末尾に


Smart use of pandemic to our advantage

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Golden Week 2023 has ended finally.

Though it was a very busy hosting Golden Week whole period for us, we visited the very best flower spot, this city has been proud of, with our precious people during the first half and we could share the happiest moment each other. 

(Unfortunately the condition of flower was not best, because the global warming accelerated their full bloom.)

Speaking of wisteria flowers, the city of Kitakyushu is proud of, there was a remarkable output which we were very impressed as they did.

It is a tourist brochure specially for foreigners.

The brochure has wonderful cover picture.


With seeing the condition of the flowers on the branches and the ground under daylight, we guess photographer took it during the garden was closed in spite of their perfect blooming.

It is not like Kitakyushu in a good way that they could get the photo with flexible action and cool decision, isn’t it?

Some people said that we are seeing many foreign tourists in town, but it is absolutely scarce compared with Fukuoka city, according to our guests’ information/impression.

However we personally want to be smart appealing our guests quality spots in this town, where aren’t polluted by over-tourism.

Thank you and you have a nice day with behaving flexibly and cool.

P.S. Is it only us who expect tourist department of the city to provide the image file to promote the tourism of the area together.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。














P.S. こんな素敵な画像は、市から本市の観光業に携わる我々に一緒に活用しようとフリー素材として提供されてもいいのになぁと考えるのは当宿ぐらいでしょうか?

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )