新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (2. 教訓)/ Early in the New Year, Emergency Call #119 – Emergency Vehicles #2

Japanese Title (邦題): 「新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (2. 教訓)」末尾に


Early in the New Year, Emergency Call #119 – Emergency Vehicles #2

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Just (15min) after we took care for the trouble of our guest’s leaving luggage and policemen he called for the trouble, we got in another trouble which required another emergency vehicle.

This time, the emergency vehicle was an Ambulance!

On the way back from the station to our guesthouse, I found an old lady sitting on the ground at the slope to the guesthouse.

I asked a woman who was there with the old lady and she said that the old lady seemed to fall down, injured and cannot stand up.

At the request of two women, I called 199, emergency call for ambulance.

An ambulance arrived shortly after, the old lady was taken to the hospital by paramedics.



The inside of the curve of the hill, at where the old lady seemed to fall down is quite steep. Even myself feel a little scared and I walked around the curve.

So we re-recognized that we have to warn our guests as well.

By the way, It took only 5 minutes for the ambulance to arrive after dialing 119.

The straight line distance between the fire station and our guesthouse is only 530m.

When fire department personnel inspect an inn’s fire prevention equipment, young officers/inspector always come on foot.

These days, when natural and man-made disasters continue to occur, we have realized once again that the benefits of this region provide peace of mind that money cannot buy.

Thank you and you have a nice day being able to respond quickly to various emergencies.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (2. 教訓)

世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。















灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (1. ひと騒がせ)/ Early in the New Year, Emergency Call #110 – Emergency Vehicles

Japanese Title (邦題):「新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (1. ひと騒がせ)」末尾に


Early in the New Year, Emergency Call #110 – Emergency Vehicles

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

On one calm day in New Year, we had unexpected happenings.

At first, please let us share the episode we got surprised by unexpected guest’s behavior.

On that day, I visited my old mother after we sent off our guest who checked out.

without my smart phone, which I left in the guesthouse.

When I came back and looked at my phone, I saw a bunch of incoming calls history.

I answered the next call that came in right after that. I heard the voice of the guest who was very upset.

Our guest told me that he forgot something important.

So I brought it to him who was at the station.

The car which came into station rotary was a police car!

Surprisingly, the guest had called #110.  For his forgotten item.


Policemen told as that #110 emergency operator mentioned that the person who called 110 emergency seemed to be a foreigner, so they came to the station to understand what is going on.

All the station users look back at us “What’s going on? !”

Although his flight will be scheduled in the evening and there was more than 6 hours for that flight and he knew that someone will come back to the guesthouse any time soon, 

he did make a #110, emergency call!

Through this experience, we learned that the behavior of foreign tourists is sometimes unpredictable.

Thank you and you have a nice day without causing unnecessary trouble to the Japanese police.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


新年早々、非常電話 〜 緊急車両 (1. ひと騒がせ)

世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。












駅の利用者は皆 何事?!と振り返っていきます。



外国人旅行者の行動は時折 想定不能ということを実体験で勉強させていただきました。


<主:英 / 従:日> #非常電話, #パトカー, #忘れ物, #ゲストハウス, #宿泊, #灯火, #関門, #下関, #門司, #門司港,