この映画、一緒に見たい一番の相手 〜 海賊とよばれた男 / The Best Person, to watch this Movie together

Japanese Title (邦題): 「この映画、一緒に見たい一番の相手 〜 海賊とよばれた男」末尾に


The Best Person, to watch this Movie together

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Dec. 13, it was rainy in Kanmon.


TOUKA has been focused on one Japanese movie, “The man called Pilate”.
It was released to public on last Saturday but I was waiting for the Tuesday, less audience than any other day I guessed.  So I drove my car to see the first show on Tuesday.


On the way to the theater, I stopped at a house to pick up the people.

They are my parents, who have lived this town “Moji”, the setting town of a film quite longer than myself.

When we arrive at the theater, people of similar age as my parents made line in front of the ticket counter of the movie. But there were very few people in biggest screen room (413 seats) of the theater. We sat on the extra legroom seat facing the center aisle located in the middle of the room, for my parents who go to the bathroom all the time.

Just after the movie start, I heard a small sound, my father, sitting next to me, made, when he saw the scene, which is very similar as he saw in his childhood.

My mother, who has been a fun of the works of the movie director, Mr. Yamazaki, since she saw “Always, sunset at 3rd street”, also seemed to remember her childhood in Mojiko, where she lived with her family.

Not only my parents, but also the most audiences in the room, similar age as my parents, made sound of snuffling or coughing almost same time together and I could know they were crying for similar experiences. It was quite interesting situation for me.

We talked about such thing after the movie, with having lunch together.

If you didn’t see this movie, I highly recommend to see it with your special people who know the real period of the setting, and to go the best time, less people in the theater, for best atmosphere and less risk of getting flu virus.
And do not forget to bring a small towel or an handkerchief, if you are a Japanese.

It was great opportunity to see the movie with my parents.
However the whom I want to see this movie together with is …

“My late grandfather”, who started family business in this town, Moji.

Thank you and you have a nice day, spending precious time with important people.


P.S. This movie is showing at three theaters now in this town, one of the settings.

(1) CINEPLEX Kokura
(2) T-JOY Riverwalk Kitakyushu
(3) Kokura Korona World

It may become good experience for you to see the movie in the place, where the model of the story really found his business.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


この映画、一緒に見たい一番の相手 〜 海賊とよばれた男


12月13日、「海賊の海」を望む 当宿「灯火」から見える関門海峡は雨でした。


土曜日に一般公開された後、最初の火曜日。 映画館が一番空くだろうと読んだ平日の朝一番の回に、満を持して見に行ってきました。


早期退職後 忘れていた「通勤時間」のド真ん中に車を出して、向かった先は、、、



開演15分前に映画館に着くと、意外や、両親と同年代の方がチケット窓口に列を作っていました。それでも413席ある一番大きなスクリーンはガラガラ。 館内中央、通路に足を投げ出せるゆったりとした席に両親と並んで座ることが出来ました。(トイレが近くなった両親も安心できる座席です。)


自身の青春の舞台「東京」を描いた「ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日」をその東京で見て以来、山崎ファンの母もまた、今回はスクリーンに映される幼少期の「門司」に、幼い日見た光景が被って見えているようでした。

比較的高齢者の多い館内にいた40人ぐらいは皆、両親と同じように自分たちが経験した光景を思い出しながら作品を見ていたようで、不思議と同じタイミングで鼻を啜る音が聞こえてきたりします。 予想していた以上に興味深い映画鑑賞となりました。


この映画まだ見られていない方は、一緒に見に行く相手や時間をじっくり考えて行かれることをオススメします。 そして特に日本人の方はハンカチを忘れないように!






P.S. 映画の舞台の一つでもある関門エリアでは、映画館三館で上映中です。
(1) シネプレックス小倉
(2) T・ジョイリバーウォーク北九州
(3) 小倉コロナワールド

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

ココがスゴいぞ!海賊とよばれた男の海 / Amazing Points of Kanmon Straits!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ココがスゴいぞ!海賊とよばれた男の海」末尾に


Amazing Points of Kanmon Straits!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

TOUKA stands on the hill, looking down Kanmon Straits, the sea of the movie “The man called as a Pilate”.

Comparing weekday, there are less ships in normal weekend, but there are more ships running in this Saturday.

Everytime I looked up during cleaning guest room, I saw unique ships running outside of the window.

For example:


*Ship on a ship:
Big part of a ship are carried on the other ship.


*Huge ship, reminds us “Nissho-maru”
It began to appear from bow but stern did not come out.


*A small fishing boat being operated, almost grazing the big ship.
It was operated in the middle of sea route. That cannot be happen in Tokyo bay.

With seeing such a view of Kanmon Staits and Port of Shimonoseki, I am thinking about the sea where “The man called as a Pilate” were moving around.

Thank you and you have a cool Sunday, like this strait in front of TOUKa.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
















灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

今しかできなくて、自分にしか意味のないこと! / It can be now and only, but no meaning except for myself!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「今しかできなくて、自分にしか意味のないこと!」末尾に


It can be now and only, but no meaning except for myself!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

In guesthouse, there is less opportunity to watch TV, but there is one favorite program I have.

It is the program which investigates the history of celebrity’s family and make it like one drama each time.

There is one thing which I started before the TV program and focused more after I returned to my hometown to open a guesthouse.

It is to exploring my “Family History”.

Since new year holiday of 2012, I have started hearing to my parents, I understand the history upto the early stage of Showa era, when my parent were born.


From now on, I investigate the history of my grandfathers and it is very much over wrapped with the story of “The man called as a Pilate”, Mr. Sazou Idemitsu, time-wise.



My grandfather moved to this place, Moji, in similar timing as Idemitsu and opened a small merchandising shop here. It was heard that he use a heavy bicycle with full of goods to go back and forth between Saga and Moji (130km/80miles).

I am trying to explore his life, corresponding to the story of “The man called as a Pilate”

There is myself in the future of his life and my exploring i;s worth for my future and that can be done only now during my parents doing well.

It was often told that traveling is looking for myself. Now I also think that looking for myself is traveling.

Thank you and you have a wonderful “Bunka no Hi”, painting various cultures on the base, the culture of yourself.

*Note: Bunka no Hi = Today, Nov. 3rd, is the Culture Day holiday in Japan.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。








history01 history02

祖父もまた他からこの地に移り住み、商売人として起業しています。 ある時期には佐賀から自転車で行き来するという今では信じられない行商をしていた時期もあるようです。


そのドラマの先には現在の自分がいて、今を生きている訳で、少なからず意味がある作業だと考えています。 それも生き字引といえる両親が元気でいるうちにしかできない。



P.S. この作業の成果は娘に、そして孫にも伝えていきたいですね。遺伝子だけの繋がりにせぬように、、、

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ