とってもうれしいグランドオープン!/ Grand Open which makes us very happy!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「とってもうれしいグランドオープン!」末尾に


Grand Open which makes us very happy!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

There have been various facilities and shops closing around this town, but we had one grand open which made us feel very safe as well as happy.

We are not talking about Mojiko Station.
It is a kind of station but not train station. It is about Fire Station.


Old building of “Moji fire station” has been rebuilt for 2 years, and new building was completed in this March.


Yesterday, I have a things to be consulted by fire department and visited Moji fire station. First I try to visit temporary office but all of their functions were moved to the original location. Old building built in during Japanese high-growth period became highly equipped brand new facility.

The brand new Moji fire station is locating only 690m far from TOUKA in a straight line. As they came back to the original location, both our guests and we can feel very safe now. Although TOUKA is fire/disaster conscious guesthouse but we cannot deny the possibility of unexpected accidents and diseases. So the nearby fire department can be one effective measure for them.

We really want our guests to stay with feeling relax and safe here.
(We think such invisible safety and relief very important management factor of our guesthouse.)

Thank you and you have a safe and secure nice day.

P.S. Note: We want all guests from foreign countries to take out travel insurance before leaving home countries. Guests often complain about expensive Japanese public transportation, but medical treatment costs way much than that (without insurance). So please take care!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )










新生門司消防署は「灯火」から直線距離で わずか690m。本来の場所に戻ってきたことで、ゲストの大切な命を預かる宿としては本当にありがたい・安心の施設です。「灯火」は極力火元を持たないオール電化の宿で、防火・防災意識高い系ゲストハウスですが、想定外の事故や病気の可能性(救急車の必要性)も無くはないので、これで万が一の場合も安心です。



P.S. お願い:ご自身の安心のためにも海外からの利用者みなさんは「旅行保険」に加入してご旅行くださいね。日本の公共交通機関は高いですが、医療費はそれとは比べ物にならないほど高額です(保険がないと)。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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