事始め2021 / The Beginning of Things in 2021

Japanese Title (邦題): 「事始め 2021」末尾に


The Beginning of Things in 2021

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

The fist three days of new year were passed and it is the timing that whole society start moving today.

Hostel business like this guesthouse is concerning about the government decision after this year’s first meeting of infection presentation committee. Probably the meeting will be held in the couple of days. How will the leader of this country decide, considering reports/opinions in the meeting.

People don’t think that our government can make effective decision. However we cannot help having a big interest about “Go To Travel” campaign. As of now, the campaign is temporary out of service now and the suspension period will be ended just one week later. We are wondering what will happen after the next day.

Tourism campaigns have been programed by not only Japanese government but also local governments. If we mixed those benefits, we can plan special travel with virtually free accommodation and transportation fee discounts.


Most of local governments’ campaigns conform to “Go To Travel” and tourists benefits are affected by the decision about “Go To Travel” very much.

It is suspicious that our government can make reasonable decision under extremely difficult situation. but it is one idea for us to make an action immediately after the decision was broadcasted. We must pay extra attention to the destination and how to spend there but we have no choice but to go under such beneficial condition.

Thank you and you have a nice day with good antennae and smart decision to make an action.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






最近の声では、何も決断できないだろうというという意見が多いようですが、なかでもGo Toトラベルがどうなるかは関心を寄せずにはいられません。現在Go Toトラベルは一時停止中ですが、停止期間終了まであと一週間。その翌日からどうなるんでしょう?



ただこうしたキャンペーンは施策的にGo Toトラベルに準拠しているものが多く、すべては一時停止期間の後にGo Toトラベルがどうなるかに大きく影響されます。



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
