数字すごいぜ! / Hyper power of the figures!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「数字すごいぜ!」末尾に


Hyper power of the figures!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

It was heavy rain here in Kanmon area on Sunday.

It kept rain hard till sunset time but we could see the right in west sky, It would stop raining soon as I forecasted. If we have a skill to read weather chart and the sky, we can imagine the weather of near future, can’t we?


Skill of bookkeeping has similar power to forecast our future.

In the early summer of recession after Lehman shock, one of my friend, who is a member of finance section, told me information that cash in balance sheet in latest two quarter has been quite increasing, He didn’t tell me why, but I could understand with my knowledge of bookkeeping, Soon the company I worked for announced its restructuring and voluntary retirement in September. As I could prepare very well since early summer, I think I could ride on good wave.

Today, May 4th 2020, Japanese government will announce a state of emergency extension. The damage to Japanese economy will remain much longer than one month announced to extend. I wonder if each company will use their internal reserves they have saved under ABENOMICS. I do worry that they may use it for personal strategy, the way government didn’t expected. Japanese business people, specially the people who are called as “Bubble generation”, same or a little elder generation than myself, should pay extra attention to the cash on the balance sheet of each company, by utilizing the time created by remote working.

To prepare for coming economic recession, what we need can be a friend in financial section and skill of bookkeeping.

Thank you and you have a nice day, being strong about financial figures.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )












灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )

先のショックで得たもの / What I got after the previous shock

Japanese Title (邦題): 「先のショックで得たもの」末尾に


What I got after the previous shock

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

When I watched TV news, I noticed that they were speaking one word repeatedly. It seems that business people and people who enjoy stock investment say current emergency as “Corona Shock”.

In such news, someone talked that we should learn from measures taken in previous shock, Lehman shock. So I looked back what was I doing during previous shock, and remembered what I got after the previous shock. To be exact, what I was ordered to get.

It was “The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping, 3rd grade”.



There was a reason why I could get it. During the business stagnation, the company I had worked for was struggling to obtain government subvention. They prepared various activities, such as furlough and employee training. One of them was the training of “Bookkeeping, 3rd grade” specially for managers, which was assigned by the president of that time. He has a clear objective for that training. He wanted all manager of the company to have financial skill to manage such as a little RAMEN shop in town. It was really wonderful slogan he told to us.

Now, as a business owner of a little guesthouse, not a RAMEN shop, I feel the skill very helpful which I got at the first examination after the training. In the bookkeeping world, “double‐entry bookkeeping” is the normal method/theory, but it is a little difficult for ordinary people who are accustomed with math. We could know how difficult to adopt ourselves to the “double‐entry bookkeeping”, when we see many smart engineer type managers could not pass the exam. It was really lucky for me to attend to the training for the skill with quality teachers whose fee was payed by the company.

The skill to make statement of accounts helps me very much now. In the actual business world, officers in tax office are not so mean and helps us to file a tax return very kindly. As long as we visit them with our statement of accounts, they instruct us attentively. If we think carefully, we can find that it is natural that they will get their pay from the tax filed by us. (This may happen only in local tax office. But I heard that there is some bold people who tried to make their financial statements at tax office with getting officer’s aid.)



This introduction has become quite long, but what I wanted to tell is that I want our young Japanese guests who read this to challenge to get the skill. Because I know that the skill/knowledge is very helpful, no matter he will still belong to the company or she will start up own business independently. As we can predict that we will have more free time by remote working now and furlough in next business stagnation coming soon. I hope you will remember this advice when you will wonder how to utilize free time in future.

Thank you and you have a nice day with good cost performance in long time range.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
















灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )