どのワンチームに属してますか?/ Which “one team” do you belong to?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「どのワンチームに属してますか?」末尾に


Which “one team” do you belong to?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

It is so hot in Japan whole country, So is Olympic. Now is about halfway through Olympic period.

As usual, this kind of chart start to be broadcasted in this timing.

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“Tokyo Olympic : Japan got 15 golds as of 7th day” NHK July 29, 2021

Specially in Japan, Olympic host country, prime minister was calling to the medalists directly to say congratulations and it shows his ulterior motive to get cabinet supporters by utilizing this Olympic.

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“Suga made phone call to the medalists to say congrats” NHK July 25, 2021

I personally think that now is the time to change the concept of Olympic “Country Competition”.

Even though they are sports, fights for enhancing national prestige and patriotism are possible to lead people antipathy against some particular nations and war at the worst case.

As a manager of a little guesthouse which welcomes various type of travelers and operate mix dormitory, which is unbelievable style of accommodation in Japan 10 years ago, doesn’t matter nationality, age and gender in one same room, I believe that the concept of country or nation should be eliminated in near future.

It is good that people compete each other as individual or team, I think. But I feel strange and repulsive over the idea of “Country Competition”.

Thank you and you have a nice day as a member of one team “Earthling”.

P.S. By the way, Suga, you have more important things to do before calling medalists, don’t you. Or delta variant of COVID-19 will spread out all over the country.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






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「東京オリンピック 大会7日目 日本の金メダルは15個に」 NHK 2021年7月29日


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「菅首相 金メダル高藤選手を祝福「子どもや若者に夢や希望」」NHK 2021年7月25日
( https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210725/k10013158301000.html )





P.S. ところで菅君、メダリストに電話する前にやることありませんか?感染者全国に拡散しちゃいますよ!

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
