オール・ウィー・ニード・イズ・ソフトバットファームパワー / Soft but Firm Power

Japanese Title (邦題): 「オール・ウィー・ニード・イズ・ソフトバットファームパワー」末尾に


Soft but Firm Power

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

In a warm afternoon, which we feel that spring is over, I found an unusual (not elder) lady in front of this guesthouse, when I came back from shopping hosting stuffs.

She seemed to look for our guesthouse. And we found she is a staff from public health center after receiving her business card.

Believe it or not, she came here to do unannounced inspection about this guesthouse. Though, it was just before guests’ check in, we let her investigate every nook and cranny.

unannouncedinspection01 (Photo of the survey with consent)

This time, she checked even residual chlorine concentration of water and confirmed that there is no problem about this guesthouse.

(Dear our guests: Please feel safe to stay at this guesthouse. The sanitation of this guesthouse is guaranteed by public health center of this city!)


By the way, we have been taken care by various officers of this city since the open of this guesthouse. And we have specially admired the excellence of the city’s female officers.

They are mild-mannered but respond firmly to what to do and important matters without omission. Every female officers have had such character and it has been unexpected in a good way for the man who dropped out of a general company.

(On the other hand, the male staff is only lip service, and there are not a few men who are not accompanied by practical work. Compared with the excellence of female staff, the poor quality of work and low level of seriousness of male staff is even more noticeable. This is the frank impression of one user.)

For this reason, we want to add another pair of good and bad of Kitakyushu now.

* Good = Soft but firm power of city’s female officers

* Bad = Low level of seriousness and positiveness of male officers which doesn’t live up to their post and title

”Active promotion of female officers to managerial positions” is the priority measures with no option not to do, which can be completed only in the city personnel affairs.  There is no doubt that this will bring about a great change in municipal administration.

That’s our recommended suggestions we reached after much thought yesterday, on the International Women’s Day set by the United Nations.

Thank you and you have a nice and highly efficient day everyone can feel equality.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。











というわけで「KitaQ  good (グー) & boo (ブー)」に新たに追加したいのは、、、

* Good = 市女性職員の柔軟でありながらしっかりこなす仕事ぶり


* Boo = 市男性職員の役職・肩書き負けする仕事に対する真剣度・積極性




P.S. 都立高校の女子の足切り点の不平等な底上げと同じく、本当は女性の方が優秀なのかもしれないと感じた一件です。おそらく、それにいち早く気付いたのは男の方で、女性はまだ気付いていない(振りをしている)のかもしれません。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






女性受難、最悪評価、鉛天井の仲良し二国!/ Passion of Women in worst 2 countries with Lead Ceiling!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「女性受難、最悪評価、鉛天井の仲良し二国!」末尾に


Passion of Women in worst 2 countries with Lead Ceiling!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

As you know, Monday of this week, March 8th, was “International Women’s Day” This week leaded by the day can be thought as International Women’s Week, we think.

Western people has really good sense and they rank 29 countries in OECD by female equality measuring index with cool name.

スクリーンショット 2021-03-10 23.14.41

“The glass-ceiling index” The Economist, Mar 4th 2021

It is as expected that northern European countries are ranked as the best. Is it as expected or unexpected for you that Japan is ranked as second worst country?

The article clearly mentioned about comment of our former prime minister and the leaders of this country should be ashamed.

In addition to this, there is one more focused point that our neighbor country, South Korea, is ranked as the worst country. These two countries get along together and were left far behind the third worst country.

In the neighbor countries, this movie was a big hit and it shows, the response also spread to Japan. The film has been screened till a few weeks ago in the theater in this town.


“82년생 김지영” 조남주

The hit shows us how bad is the treatment for women are in the countries. We also remember that our young female guests from neighbor country often complained about their condition in the society.

If someone produce new book/film with the title “Born in 71, Yoko Suzuki*”, the book/film may be a big hit in Japan.
(*Most popular name in Japan in the year of 1971 who supposed to be graduate from collage in 1993, the last year of economic bubble burst.)

Anyway, it is clear that now is the time for us to face/tackle to improve this problem in two countries.

Thank you and you have a nice day by global standards.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






スクリーンショット 2021-03-10 23.14.41

「ガラスの天井指数」英エコノミスト誌 Mar 4th 2021






「82년생 김지영」 조남주





P.S. この日がもうひとつ日本で受難なのは、3.11直前のためにメディア等で扱われることが必然的に低くなることでしょうか。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )