自ら得た情報から明日を憂う / Worrying about near future with the real information!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「自ら得た情報から明日を憂う」末尾に


Worrying about near future with the real information!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

As we keep managing guesthouse, we keep getting new information from various people.

Several days ago, we had a chance to talk with young guy who did finish vaccination twice already.

Of course, he didn’t get the shots in Japan. He got in the U.S. It seems that U.S. stand on more advanced stage in prevention.

But what we concerned about was not progress of vaccination, but people’s behavior after finishing vaccination.

He said that most of Americans who finished two shots no longer wear face mask any more. I do understand it from my experience living in the U.S. Because they are the citizen of “The land of the Free”.

Looking back on Japan, we are going to invite bunch of people from all over the world soon. Even we prepared vaccination for the people who will come. (It is the big tragedy that we, general Japanese citizen, have no schedule to be vaccinated in this year.)

We don’t say that athletes has poor crisis management ability but there are not so many athletes who are too sensitive to public sanitation and disease epidemiology. We can imagine that people who gain a sense of security from vaccination and excitement from the selection as as Olympian may enjoy themselves too much. It can be possible that athletes make close contact with each other.

Even if a few infection will happened in Olympic facility, does Japan has the power to proceed active epidemiological investigation against world famous athletes with using multiple languages?



(*Photo: The man asking for wearing masks without wearing mask for himself like Americans. Suga-NO-mask. All mass-medias were attending and making question with wearing their masks.)
“Suga’s press conference, May 28th” NHK


We do wish that Tokyo (Japan) Olympic will not be evaluated as ”the most miserable sports event in human history” after coming Summer.
Yes, today is the start day of extending period of state of emergency.

Thank you and you have a safe and nice day by preparing with setting your own “switch to evacuate” against the man-made disaster caused by Japanese government.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )








アメリカでは二度ワクチン接種を終えた人はほとんどマスクを着用しなくなっているようです。自身のアメリカ生活経験からもそうしたアメリカ人の国民性は想像できます。なんたって「The land of the Free」の住人です。






「菅首相記者会見」 NHK




灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
