誰か教えてあげて!/ Somebody should teach them!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「誰か教えてあげて!」末尾に


Somebody should teach them!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Same as non-alcohol beer, I feel one misunderstanding about Japanese beer.

On the day of can trash, these are the two biggest number in our can trashes.

japanesebeer02These aren’t beer as well as non-alcohol beer.

There are not a few guests who visited local brewery shop for tasty local beer, but they enjoy drinking low- malt beer-like beverage. I have felt strange about this. And I noticed that they may not know the difference between beer and low- malt beer-like beverage.

Including non-alcohol beer, they may choose from cheaper price beverages. (Because I often see guests who enjoy Yebisu beer which is not sold in Korea.)

By the way, the criteria to be beer in our neighbor country is “more than 10% of malt content”. So Japanese low- malt beer-like beverage (both TANREI and NODOGOSHI) can be called as beer there and they are not care as well as Japanese people.

But I personally cannot help thinking that I want them to drink better Japanese beer, because they came from way far different country. (I sometimes teach them the difference. Are there any way to teach them the difference.)

Thank you and you have a nice day with the knowledge to understand the difference.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )












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