それ払ったら、取り返しつかなくなっちゃうよ / Are you OK spending it? It can be critical for you.

Japanese Title (邦題): 「それ払ったら、取り返しつかなくなっちゃうよ」末尾に


Are you OK spending it? It can be critical for you.

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Yesterday, it was decided that the financial resources of the cooperation money for food service industry would be spent from budget in Japan.

“Government decided to spend more than 1 trillion JPY from its special budget” NHK
(*Our government decide to pay 1.8 milion JPY uniformly only for each location of food service industry.)

It is their job to spend budget, but I wonder if this is the right thing to do.

This decision may shake the government’s political footing later.

Because this is UNFAIR.

1. Unfair between industries.
(Misreading of the industry to be supported.)
2. Unfair internal food service industry.
(No consideration about size of business.)
3. Unfair between areas.
(Only locations under emergency declaration get the merit.)

When I was a student, I learned that most important thing in politics is fairness, not speed.

As one hostel business, we felt unfair to luxurious Hotel/Resort/Ryokan under “Go To Travel” and we became disapproval to the government. This new measure will create more and huge amount of non-supporters. Once they will pay, it is very hard to get money back technically and fix people’s sense of unfairness against the government. “Unfair Cabinet”

Our government has kept spending money without constancy and competency. We believe there is not a few officer who knows this potential problem. But there have been no one who brake the government. I have been disappointed in this situation. Their conscience may be paralyzed after blurring various political scandals. (Even Abe-no-musk was not stopped by any body.)

Thank you and you have a nice day even without cooperation money bubble.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





「政府 予備費から計1兆円余支出決定 時短協力金などの財源」NHK






宿泊業としては先のGo To トラベルの時点で、高級リゾート・旅館との不公平感で内閣不支持に大きく傾きましたが、今回は政権として極めて多くの敵を作ってしまう施策です。一旦払ってしまうと、規模・手続き的にも返還は難しく、国民が抱く不公平感は「固定」されます。「不公平内閣」だと。



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )