とっても気持ちいい! / Feel So Good!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「とっても気持ちいい!」末尾に


Aug. 15th, after seeing guests out, who were staying in Kanmon during OBON holiday, I cleaned whole guesthouse and dried futons in sunshine. TOUKA is lucky with this futon drying space.


In some guesthouses in large building, which I see often in urban area like Tokyo, I wondered when futon was dried recently, because it is moisturized very much. So TOUKA will dry futons as often as possible.

But only drying in sunshine is not enough. We have to cool futon down before guest will use it or guest feels hot like sauna because of heat from sunshine stored in futon. So we dry in the morning and cool futon down in the afternoon. It is lucky that we have sunshade after lunch and temperature is not so high like recent several day’s extremely hot. Without using air-conditioning, futons got finished soft and cool.

Thank you and you have comfortable sleep tonight!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )





東京によくあるビル型ゲストハウスでは、いつ干したかわからない布団でなんとなく不安になったのを教訓に、布団干し できるだけやるようにしています。

けれど、ただ干しただけではこの夏の日光の熱が布団のなかにこもってしまい、ゲストがお休みになる時にサウナ状態になるので、午後はずっとクールダウン。今日はラッキーなことに昼から雲が出てきていつもの猛暑が小康状態。クーラーを使うことなく、いい感じ ふっくらクールに仕上がりました。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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