Polish Mind!


Japanese Title (邦題): 「心を磨く」末尾に


Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

“Safety, Comfort and Natural” These are the basic policies of TOUKA.

Not only for our guest, but also for ourselves, we pursue the comfort and we do cleaning mainly by wet cloth wiping by hands.

Every morning, by wiping common areas with wooden floors such as corridor, stairs, we trim our equipment and our mind to welcome guests of the day.

wipe01( Just after wiping wooden floor. Feel my mind very clear.)

This is very much influenced by my ex-boss in company business man days.

He used be my boss as a president of U.S. affiliate in Georgia. After his retirement, he changed his carrier completely and became a chief priest in old temple in Nagano.

IMG_3607( His ZEN Temple in Nagono.)

I visited him there and asked, and his answer was “there was no surprise to be a priest. it has been planned since his university days.”

The temple is ZEN temple, there is nothing except necessary items and everything was cleaned carefully by everyday / every morning cleaning practice.

According to my ex-boss (scratch that) to the chief priest, dirt or dust in living space is the appearance of the person’s mind.

Cleaning the garden of temple after ZAZEN (meditation) and DOKKYO (sutra chanting), I really feels like that my mind was washed out there.

As TOUKA is not a temple, our cleaning is not perfect as his temple, but we think we should welcome our guests with clear mind by cleaning by wet-cloth-wiping.

wipe02( Double Circle reflected on floor is the praise for the practice.)

We thank for the small size of TOUKA, which make us possible to wipe the building.

We have slippers for guests to use, but please enjoy Japanese summer, Kanmon summer from bottom of your bare foot.

You have a clear mind day!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。

「安心、快適 そして 自然」は「灯火」の基本方針です。














スリッパも用意していますが、是非 足裏から、日本の、関門の夏を感じてください。

それでは 心クリアな一日をお過ごしください。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
