Voyage to good old days!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「思い出という甘酸っぱいレモン味の旅を!」末尾に


“Voyage to good old days!”

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

This is the posting for people who grow up in Moji, specially graduates from 4 public high schools ever exist in this town.

Some visitors came to TOUKA. They came from one place in Mojiko. They and I are from same high school.

The place is “OMOIDE(= Memory) Station” in Mojiko.

School uniforms in good memory are displayed in OMOIDE Station. It reminds us young high school days with the taste of sour Lemon*. ( *In Japan, sour lemon means first love or first kiss generally.) As all four high school are no longer exit in this area (or change location or name), we cannot see the students in those uniforms. Now displayed uniforms are summer cloths and waiting for you to come.

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Let’s visit “OMOIDE Station” when you come back to your hometown in OBON holidays.

It locates on 1st floor of MONTETSU building, next to Mojito Station.

Open schedule of “OMOIDE Station” will be:
– 13th : Open in Morning.
– 14-16th : Open.

Thank you and you have nice trip to good old days in this OBON.
and please take care driving home!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
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世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。




そこには思い出すだけで、ちょっと酸っぱいレモンの味がするような懐かしい青春時代の思い出が詰まった夏服が展示されています(女子だけでなく、男子にも、、、)。 学校自体がなくなったので、町でもう見かけることもない制服です。 何度も督促した結果、ようやく7月も終わる頃、中間服から「夏服」に着替え終わり、皆さんのお越しを待ってます。

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灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
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