Summer! Japan! Night! and Fireworks!


Japanese Title (邦題): 「夏だ! 日本だ! 夜だ! 花火だぁ!」末尾に


Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

It is morning, but talking about night again.

In these years, huge number of visitors from foreign countries come to Japan not only SAKURA (Cherry Blossom) season, but also in mid summer. According to TV news, one of the main purpose to visit Japan is to watch Japanese Fireworks. Foreigners interviewed by TV said that fireworks in Japan are quite different from those of their countries.

As TOUKA commands a fine view of Straits, Kitakyushu-city and Shimonoseki-city, we can see / hear fireworks somewhere around those area almost everyday.

Picture is firework behind Kaikyo Yume Tower in Shimonoseki, I took from the guest room this Wednesday. I guess the fireworks were set off around Kompira Park or its neighbor.

On Saturday next week, we will have a big firework show. “The 29th Kanmon Strait Firework Festival”

I’ve never see the show from TOUKA yet, but the fireworks can be seen much bigger than this photo. Because they will set off in front of Kaikyo Yume Tower, not behind.

So, it is very exciting for me to watch the firework, as well as the guests of the night.

We hope that many foreigners can watch and enjoy the fireworks on Kanmon Strait.

Thank you and you have a good summer nights in this weekend!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
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「夏だ! 日本だ! 夜だ! 花火だぁ!」

世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。


近年 外国人旅行客が増えているのは周知の話ですが、桜のシーズンと同様に、真夏を狙って訪日する観光客が少なくないようです。ニュースによると彼らの狙いは「日本の花火」を見ることらしく、インタビューを受けていた外国人によると、日本の花火は自国のそれとは全く違うものだそうです。



来週の土曜にはこの辺りで最大の花火大会が開催されます。 ここ近隣では知らない人のいない「関門海峡花火大会」です。

この花火大会を「灯火」から見るのは今年が初めてなのですが、おそらく添付画像の花火よりははるかに大きく見えるはずです。 なぜなら花火は背後ではなく、タワーの手前で打ち上げられるからです。

というわけで、その夜のゲストのみならず、自分にとっても花火大会 ワクワクするイベントです。



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
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