The Brand New City in Fukuoka!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「福岡県に新しい市 誕生!」末尾に

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

“Kanmon” is unique area in Japan, I have thought for many years.

Because, “KAN=関” of “Kanmon” is named after Shimonoseki (下関).
And because “MON=門” of “Kanmon” is named after Moji (門司).

So, KANMON is a combined name of two different city, Shimonoseki & Moji* (*Moji used be a city) on either bank of Kanmon Straits.

It is most interesting that these two cities belongs to different Prefectures.

There is some other areas like this in Japan, but not so many.
For example KEIHIN(京浜), KEIYOU(京葉), MEISHIN(名神), etc.
These areas are way bigger area than KANMON.

In conclusion, Kanmon Straits are too narrow to be named after only one side.

It is so narrow that there is many funny customs in Kanmon.

For example, when people in Moji entertained guests from other place, they brought guest Shimonoseki for sightseeing and seafoods even different pref. On the other hand, people in Shimonoseki often come shopping across the Straits.

So do TOUKA. We post so many topics about the other bunk positively.

Recently we have an interesting finding. When we checked Facebook access information, we found that there are accesses from interesting city.


“Shimonoseki-shi, Fukuoka, Japan”

It seems Facebook assumes Shimonoseki as a city of Fukuoka. And we saw it very natural.

Anyway, we should increase the value of Kanmon together with Shimonoseki, no matter it belongs to Fukuoka or Yamaguchi.

You have a nice day with fine partnership.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
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「福岡県に新しい市 誕生!」

世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。







ふとしたことで Facebookのアクセス解析を見たところ、アクセス元の都市名に面白い記述を見つけました。


“Shimonoseki-shi, Fukuoka, Japan”


♫ きみの名前は下関 ♫ ぼくの名前は門司 ♫
♫ ふたりあわせて関門だぁ ♫
♫ きぃみとぼぉくとで関門だぁ ♫



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