オープンまで25日を切りました! / 24 days to go!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「オープンまで25日を切りました!」末尾に


24 days to go!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

It is only 24 days to the renewal open.

No, not about TOUKA. It is about the facility on pictures.



“Idemitsu Museum”

I can imagine many people will gather at this entrance for a while, after the renewal open.


I also admire that they really open the museum just in time to the movie “The man called pirate”.

So TOUKA will discount to the employee of Idemitsu (or people who was the employee of Idemitsu less than 3 years before) the fee of one night dormitory stay to 2,000 JPY per person. (standard price is 3,000 JPY) The period is Oct 27 – Dec 10 (the day of movie start). Please inform us that you are the employee of Idemitsu when you make reservation.

This discount for Idemitsu Employee is because I am really want to know how the management philosophy of founder, Mr. Sazou Idemitsu is now in The Japanese Company “Idemitsu” now.

I am a great fun of Mr. Sazou Idemitsu. So I am anxious to know where his spirit is now, facing company merger between Idemitsu and Showa Shell.

I am really excited about the renewal of the museum.

Thank you and you have a good day, walking together with human conscious Japanese company of your own!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。







オープンすると しばらくはこのエントランスに人が溢れるんだろうなぁ。






(毎日新聞 2016年10月3日 22時45分  )






灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

日出ずる国では 日没もまた早い!/ In the land of the rising sun, sun set faster too!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「日出ずる国では 日没もまた早い!」末尾に


“In the land of the rising sun, sun set faster too!”

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!
It may be the first morning after OBON holiday in Japan.

We will work hard again for the future of Japan and I want to share the Risk which I have seen in these 16 months.

Now I am managing a little guesthouse in Kanmon area. The book “A Man Called Pirate” is not a small reason to select this place to open it.


“IDEMITSU”, model of the novel, is a oil company, never layoff employees but made company bigger and bigger by glowing people.

To tell the truth, in the company I worked for, the president of 17 years ago said “We do not need layoff as well as compulsory retirement.” However in the next 20 years, the company announced Voluntary Retirement of 600 employees and about 1,000 employees applied to the program finally. (When it was announced, there were only 6,000 employees in that company.)

I am not proud of the company’s voluntary retirement program. I am worried that such trend of voluntary retirement program is expanding to all over Japan.

Since the age of mid-forty, I have been planning to be independent. So I applied both voluntary retirement and outplacement company which the retiring company prepared for all applicants. In my case, the course I chose was entrepreneur. However both outplacement and entrepreneur use same office in the New Marunouchi Building, which is like a comfortable cafe with free-internet and free-drinks.


With preparing my own business, I keep watching people in the outplacement company carefully. In several months, I noticed one thing. It is a kind of routine that people start visiting consultants of the outplacement company, several weeks after newspaper broadcast one company’s announcement of voluntary retirement program. And in the next few months, the office got full of people and basic seminars are started to be held. In last year, so many voluntary retirement programs are announced, specially in several big electric companies, such as company S and company T, number of people in the office changed as the progress of their program.

I sometimes met with the man in restroom of the office, who lectured how to make useless employees apply to the program. (Yes, he is the teacher of employee cutting.) I cannot help thinking the know-how of laying off people is high return business scheme now.

What is more surprising was that some outplacement companies are proposing to teach how to lay people off even in the period, running profitable business. Not only outplacement companies but also some social Insurance and labor consultants are proposing laying off and getting money from government’s job placement subsidies.

There must be big distortion in labor system in this country.
I bet that recovery of personal consumption will never happen in future, because of this systematic problem.
By the way, someone may wonder why this hostel manager is mentioning this kind of issue. It is because “TOUKA (= light from lighthouse)” want to spot light at sunken rock just under the surface of the sea, in the same time young people may start reading the book “A Man Called Pirate” and knowing management philosophy of Mr. Sazou Idemitsu, a founder of IDEMITSU.

The people, I think who should read the book, are not the fun of Johnny´s idol group, but the businessman over fifty, who is assumed as big cost of Japanese economy and newly joined young business man. This does not mean I want young people to join IDEMITSU. I think they can feel something from the management philosophy of Mr. Sazou Idemitsu. It can be what is the most important to manage people.
Anyway, it seems that sun set faster in the land of the rising sun.

Can we Japanese restore / restructure this country or not?

There is so many fundamental issues, such as “Aging population combined with the diminishing number of children”, “Reduction of workforce”, “Issues of social security system”, “cumulative fiscal deficit” and so on. However our government is not working for essential measures. I can feel they are only praying to god like primitive man.

Thank you and you have wonderful future without reaching a deadlock or falling into a trap!

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


日出ずる国では 日没もまた早い!

日本ではお盆休み明け最初の朝という方もいるかと思います。 おはようございます。

自分も含め、ここからまた日本経済の未来のために身を粉にして働くわけですが、この一年 自分が見た危惧を共有したいと思います。




決して もといた会社のリストラ施策を自慢しているのではありません。自分が一番危惧しているのは、こうした流れが日本全国津々浦々にまで広がりつつあることです。

40代の後半からすでに独立志向だった自分は、退職後、希望退職に際して会社の用意した最大手の人材紹介会社の独立起業支援コースに登録し、そこで準備されていた東京駅を見下ろすユーザー専用のオフィスで独立の準備を進めました。 そのオフィスには転職希望で登録されている方々も多くいて、一緒に高級ネットカフェ(設備充実・フリードリンク付)のような環境を活用していました。


そこで冷静に人間の流れを洞察していると、ある面白い動きに気が付きました。 新聞・テレビ等で大型のリストラが報道されると、決まってその数週間後から施設見学者が増え、数ヶ月後にはそのフロアで求人検索する人がどっと増えるというサイクルを繰り返しているようなのです。 昨年は家電メーカーのリストラがブームで、S社・T社と次々に固定費削減に着手することが報じられ、その度にフロアの利用者が増えました。


さらに驚いたことに、少し前の特集番組では信じられない人事施策が水面下で起こっていることが報道されていました。 業績が好調な企業に希望退職を指南・斡旋する人材紹介会社・社会保険労務士が存在するという事実です。 希望退職〜斡旋の度に労働移動支援助成金を着服する流れもあるみたいです。

<NHKクローズアップ現代 2016年4月13日(水)>


ここ門司で創業した「海賊と呼ばれた男」が映画公開され、若い世代が「出光佐三の経営理念」に触れる機会が増えそうな昨今、大企業志向で仕事・就活をしている若者にも見えるように、今海面スレスレにせり上がってきている こうした暗礁を照らしたいという、『灯火』としての願いがあるからです。

実は自分が本当に「海賊と呼ばれた男」を見て/読んでもらいたいのは、主演するジャニーズのファンではなくて、40代後半以上の微妙な世代のビジネスマン、そしてこれからの日本経済で活躍が期待されている若者達です。 ただ出光のような会社に入りなさいといっているわけではありません。 出光佐三の経営理念の中にある、人として本当に相手の心を動かすエッセンスを感じ取ってもらいたいと感じています。


さてさて、この国、ひのもとにっぽん、日出ずる国では どうも日没も一番早いようで、、、


少子高齢化・労働人口の減少・社会保障制度の課題、財政累積赤字の問題などなど、縄文人ではありませんが、本来どうするか考え 対策を講じるべき人達には、どうも神頼みの感が少なくもないように感じます。


灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )




にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ