今日は何の日? 11月1日 / What day is it today(Nov.1)?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「今日は何の日? 11月1日」末尾に


What day is it today(Nov.1)?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I just noticed that today is the first day of November. Because I am still feeling I am in the middle of summer, I was so shocked by knowing exact date.

By the way, do you know what day it is today, Nov.1st?

The answer is “Lighthouse Day*”! (*Effective only in Japan.)
It was decided, because Nov. 1 was the first day of groundbreaking date to construct the first western style lighthouse in Japan (at Kannonzaki in Kanazawa pref.).


We are a guesthouse standing at the foot of a little lighthouse which was built for the safe voyage of whole ships go through Kanmon strait, one of the most dangerous spot around Japan. Our lighthouse keeps watching all ships here 365 days a year, no matter day or night.


According Japan coast guard, the 7th division of them have pretty big number of lighthouses, approx. 530 out of 3,100, total number of lighthouses in Japan. As they have 11 division, 530 is a quite big number. Of course, our lighthouse is one of 530.

As of today, only 1/6 days remain in this year. Now it may be the last chance to check and adjust our position (compass bearing) and the place of our destination, at this timing of the year. (How about utilizing “Lighthouse Day” for ourselves like this? Changing your mind straighten up from party mode of Halloween.)

Thank you and you have a nice and meaningful day, toward your goal set in the beginning of this year.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


今日は何の日? 11月1日











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( http://touka-kanmon.com )


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