悲劇は今日始まる!!/ The Tragedy starts TODAY!!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「悲劇は今日始まる!!」末尾に


The Tragedy starts TODAY!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

In this morning, we have to report sad news.

Terribly sad thing starts today.

We have promoted ourselves that nearest Komorie station have at least 3 trains in a hour. However more and more hours have only 2 train after today. Total number of train reduced drastically.



(Attached timetable is trend of 3 years. One is weekday toward Kokura/Hakata and weekend another is weekend toward Mojiko.)

We mentioned Komorie but this is the problem of entire Kagoshima Line.

Many local people understand Mojiko as No.1 sightseeing spot in Kitakyushu. Recently, Mojiko get award by Government of Japan as “The Handmade Home”. It is not top-down-made town, but bottom-up-made town.

However, as of today, the transportation pipeline between Kokura, No.1 shopping area and Mojiko, No.1 sightseeing become thinner. Our local characteristic “Cannot be united toward one direction” prevent us from achieving any big projects.

For example, Mojiko’s event schedule shows various activity during the time of “2 train in an hour”.


Does local government who is focusing on tourism think OK with this situation? As their staffs use cars to commute or train only in their commuting time, they may not be able to recognize the impact of this change. My personal opinion is that local government should stop reducing train even with paying subsidy to JR Kyushu. We should defend “At least 3 trains in one hour” desperately.

Thank you and you have a nice day, putting yourself in your targeted guest’s shoes and think their convenience with full of your hospitality.

P.S. Local government may want to abandon the title “No.1 city people over 50 want to live in”. It is because the lifestyle of old people over 60 here is “sleep 9pm = move only in daytime”.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )















もしかして観光産業へのシフトを掲げる地元自治体はコレを良かれと思っているのでしょうか? 自治体職員の通勤は車か、朝晩の公共交通機関しか使わないからこのインパクトが分からないのかもしれません。私見ですが、助成金を出しても「一時間に3本以上」を死守すべきだったと考えます。


P.S. おそらく「50歳から住みたい街 No.1」というタイトルも返上したいのかもしれませんね。だって、、、ご当地の60歳以上は「9時には寝る = 活動はお昼間」がライフスタイルですから。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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