親ひとり子ひとりで宿泊、、、もう二度と泊まりません / Father and a little son. We will not stay here again.

Japanese Title (邦題): 「親ひとり子ひとりで宿泊、、、もう二度と泊まりません」末尾に


Father and a little son. We will not stay here again.

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

“I think that we will not stay here again.”
It is not the comment about us TOUKA, but that is the comment we should not get from our guests.

A few months ago, there came a request for stay from a father and his small son in the midnight. We send positive reply, but they cancelled early next morning before I woke up. I have been curious about what kind of accommodation they used finally. I could know occasionally where they did stay.

I also read their comment about the place. It was as the title of this article “If I am asked whether I will stay again or not, I will answer never stay there again”.

As I felt same smell as myself, I bet that he is a single father. I did inform him of myself as a single father too. They, specially his son, must enjoy their trip to Fukuoka. So I felt sorry and regretted about their cancellation.

It is the condition that kids must stay with their guardian but we have a various ideas and tools to entertain kids to have fun staying here.




(Pics are one sample of all. Models are my brother and his son)

In this holidays, we will have a family guests of one mother and her kids.
We will make effort for the kids to have fun and good memories here.

Thank you and you have a nice holiday, with all family members.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )






先だって、ウチに泊まれるかと深夜に問合せを受けて、前向きな回答をするも、翌朝起きる前に予約申請取り消しをされた父ひとりとちいさな子ひとりのお客様。 結局どんなところに泊まられたのか、とても気になっていたのですが、ふとしたことでそれが分かりました。









灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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