今すべきこと / What we should do now

Japanese Title (邦題): 「今すべきこと」末尾に


What we should do now

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!


We have tried to utilize portable solar panel and emergent battery as much as possible and we found out

what Japanese should do now which we almost forget.

Fukushima nuclear accident happened just after East-Japan great earthquake (now that want to drain radioactive contaminated water into ocean) and Nuclear waste problem (average of stock level of them in all nuclear power plants is 75% of their capacity.), these problem become very critical and are gathering attention of mass medias.

(Photo: Road to Fukushima power plant. Road Closed. June 2013)

There are not a few people against re-starting nuclear power plants operation and building final disposal site of nuclear waste. However there is what we should do now before preparing protest demonstration.

It is “individual level power saving”.
(It is too obvious to mention again, isn’t it?)

Let us start what we can do now.

TOUKA will make effort to be a disaster-resistant and energy-saving guesthouse by utilizing our two personal power generation facilities (potable solar panel and automobile) and emergent battery.

Actually, Japanese energy problem is not only nuclear power, but also fossil electric power generation (about 80% of electricity made from fossil fuels). So we hope that individual level energy saving activities spread throughout the country and all enterprises and total energy consumption will reduce. As the result, we have less reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels, we wish.

We are planning inherit our national budget deficit and national risk of nuclear accident, radioactive pollution and global warming to our children’s generation. But we should not let our children carry our postwar negative legacy.

Thank you and you have a blight future with self-contained economic/environmental risk solution in our generation.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )












当宿は今あるパーソナルな発電設備二機(ポータブルソーラーパネルと車)、それに非常用蓄電池をフル活用して、災害に強い省エネ ゲストハウスを目指します。




灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )