なんかもやもやする気がかり / Confused feeling

Japanese Title (邦題): 「なんかもやもやする気がかり」末尾に


Confused feeling

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

As I mentioned a person’s name, let me share confused feeling. To tell the truth, I can’t get one concern out of my mind.

I have had it for about 40 days, which means since that incident, which shook whole Japan, happened.


Since former prime minister term in office, I have not been able to trust him. After that incident, I felt that I should refrain from criticize and talk about him and I kept my mouse shut. That has made me feel like I am going to explode. Just after the incident, probably most of the people including myself thought that it was a terrible crime caused by the suspect who made the wrong person to retaliate. At the same time, a lot of politician commented that it was the blasphemy against democracy. The whole country was filled with sorrow.

However, 10 days or 20 days later, collusion between politics and anti-social religious groups have come to light and I felt that some people including myself changed their feeling about the incident.

Of course, based on the idea that violence and murder cannot be accepted in any cases, I started to think the suspect may be like the child who shouted that the king was naked. Unfortunately in this country Japan, even the king was really naked and one citizen claimed it, the claim was ignored. And to make matters worse, claimed person might be blamed/punished and loose his position in the society. People in Japan have been instilled to think that there is no use claiming after watching the results of denunciation of various suspicions around the former prime minister.

It is quite reckless that one socially vulnerable, who resigned self-defense force and now live with part-time jobs and non-regular employment, fight with only speech against cult which have relation with political world. So we imagine that the suspect recognized that and decide to practice kamikaze tactics after considerations.

Again, based on the idea that violence and murder cannot be accepted in any cases, I tried to find better way for him to rescue social and mental circumstances of himself without being blamed as the blasphemy against democracy. However I could not find any good way/advice for him which can make similar of more impact than the incident.

Correctly, collusion between politics and religion must be be denounced at the diet or other public places, like “Cherry blossom view party problem”. If some politician denounced the problem, the incident might not happen. So, politicians in collusion and politicians in collusion who didn’t denounce the collusion are responsible to the incident.

The action he took as a result was like “a cornered rat will bite an elephant” more precisely “a cornered rat will bite the vital point if a giant elephant”. He could retaliate successfully with only two bullets. The only two bullets exposed wrongdoing of the religious cult group and biggest/strongest political group and are making cleanup of politics in this country. From the viewpoint of social impact, his action was very cost effective which is the phrase I don’t like but well expressed.

Now I feel that it is too cost-effective and I cannot help thinking another sense of incongruity. There may be other dark spots which we don’t know yet.

So I am longing for “SEICHO MATSUMOTO” of this era.


Thank you and you have a nice day, clearing up your gloomy feelings.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )














結果として彼がとった行為は「窮鼠 象を噛む」、いや「窮鼠 象の急所を噛む」ことになり、一矢報いることが出来たことには驚きすら感じます。それも、たった二発の弾丸で、復讐対象の悪徳教団の悪事を暴くどころか、その後ろ盾を切り離し、さらには一国の政界を浄化しようという旋風を巻き起こしています。まるで桃太郎侍の口上のように、、、 その後の社会的インパクトをみると、自分の一番嫌いな表現ですが、あまりにも「コスパが良い」復讐劇といえます。





灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )