世界最大斜度っ?! / Steepest in the World?!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「世界最大斜度っ?!」末尾に


Steepest in the World?!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

The guest stayed in the chillest weekend of this season was a motorcycle rider from South Korea.

His motorcycle brought by KAMPU Ferry is Large size.

It was parked in the garage, next to our car.


Parking space is enough for a large size motorcycle.
The space is open but no need to worry for the rain.


If we move our car to somewhere else, more than two but maximum 3 motorcycles can be parked in this space.
(With fee for the car to be parked at other place, up to 3 motorcycle parking is acceptable in TOUKA.)

As I am also a motorcycle rider, I want more rider to use TOUKA.

However, honestly speaking, one thing need to be understood in advance.

The slope in front of the garage is steeper than the imagination of riders.

When I informed the Korean rider how steep our slope is, his reply is “It must be OK for me, because there are slope like this in Korea.”


After his arrival at TOUKA, I asked how was the touring and he replied.

“Everything was fine from Unzen to Kanmon, except this slope.”

To tell the truth, a rider from Netherland before him also freaked out.


As I help you to park your motorcycle, please come to stay at TOUKA. Do not mind about the slope.

Thank you and you have nice day, beyond steep hills.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
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灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
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にほんブログ村 旅行ブログへ新しい旅探しへ

TOUKA Challenge Hill Climb 2016 / 灯火 チャレンジ・ヒルクライム 2016

Japanese Title (邦題): 「灯火・チャレンジ・ヒルクライム2016」末尾に

TOUKA Challenge Hill Climb 2016!

It is perfect weather for cycling around Kanmon now. There may be many people who are planning to trip around Kyushu island by own bicycle in mid autumn.

A Little Guesthouse TOUKA wants to support such cyclists, as shown on its Trademark.

The Event, we propose for cyclists this year is “TOUKA Challenge Hill Climb 2016”.

This is the forth period of this event. We decided to keep on proposing this event by later November.
MOJI is the north most town of Kyushu. It is a port town surrounded by mountains and oceans. At same time, that makes our town on the slopes of several hills, geographically and historically. In such slope town, TOUKA stands on a typical slope, can be called as “The MOJI Slope”.
So utilizing this geography, we planned “TOUKA Challenge Hill Climb 2016” for powerful and smart cyclists to get discount for one night stay in MOJI. We will honer the winner of this challenge, and praise with a discount for stay of that day.
(Amount of discount may be small but honor is maximum.)

If you think you are “The Cyclist” who is sure of success, please challenge this event.

– Event period: Oct. 21, 2016 (Fri) – Nov. 25, 2016(Fri)
(*No event on Oct.23)
(*Due to Facebook event regulation, event posted separately)
– Qualifications to entry:
* must be a guest (who already booked) of TOUKA on the challenge day.
* Guest who will come with own bicycle. (No matter about age and sex)
* Bicycle cannot have other power (assist) except cyclist’s own legs.
* To register “I will challenge hill climb” on reservation form for the stay.
* To inform us of estimated arrival time in advance (at least one day before)
* To call us from Start Point “I will start challenge now”.
(We will prepare at Goal Point after the call.)
– Challenge Course:
* Start= Road crossing on National Route #3 with “Minamihonmachi” sign.
(Photos #8 on the Access page of our Homepage)
(Self start: start at 5 mins later than your “Start Call”)
* Goal= the line in front of TOUKA entrance. (on event cover photo)
– Conditions for Success:
* Run through the course without any part of cyclist’s body touching ground.
* Challenge is ONE TIME ONLY.
(This shall not apply only if challenging cyclist escape from danger
such as oncoming automobile.)
* Goal decision= Ground part of rear tire must pass the goal line.
(You can preview the course on foot in advance to your challenge.
Of course, you can declare your challenge retirement at that time.)

– Reward to the cyclist who success the challenge:
1. 500JPY discount from the fee of TOUKA stay on the date.
(ex. normal dormitory stay fee 3,000JPY discount to 2,500JPY)
(ex. In case of room charge for group stay:
Discount of 500JPY per success cyclist, but 1,500JPY discount
maximum per one room charge on the date.)
2. Posting on “Hill Climb Achiever List 2016” which will be announced
on our Homepage and Entrance of TOUKA.

– Notes:
* Challenge with SAFETY FIRST. (Challenge at your own risk.)
* We shall not be responsible for any loss, damages and trouble on
challenger’s bicycle and body.
(Challengers who register this event shall be deemed to have no objection to above.)
* Please take care for heatstroke etc!
(We recommend to have enough rest at convenience stores near starting point.)

– Remarks:
To tell the truth, we think that no one can succeed this challenge. But we really want to meet with the person who achieve this. This event came up from this curiosity.
Incidentally, manager of TOUKA, who run SANRIKU by his own bicycle, challenge everyday but has never succeeded yet.

Good luck to the all Challengers.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( For reservation: )

“TOUKA Challenge Hill Climb 2016!”




今回は第四期にあたります。 「灯火」としては11月後半まで実施する予定なので、あらためて告知する次第です。

○ チャレンジ概要:
九州最北端のわが町 門司(もじ)は海あり、山ありの港町。 同時に地理的・歴史的に人の住めるスペースが限られる坂の町。 そんな坂の町で、“ザ・門司”ともいえる急な坂の途中に立つのがゲストハウス「灯火」。 その地域色を生かし、健脚自慢のサイクリストに宿代の値引きをかけてチャレンジしてもらいたいのが「チャレンジ・ヒルクライム2016」です。 成功者にはその栄誉を称えるとともに、小額ではありますが 宿代をディスカウントさせていただこうという企画です。


・実施期間: 2016年10月21日(金)〜2016年11月25日(金)
① 成功当日の宿泊料金から500円割引(通常宿泊者 例:3,000円→2,500円)
② Hill Climb Success Member List 2016に掲載し、(館内・HP上で)公開。

本企画は正直なところ、誰も成功することはないだろうとも思いながら、成功するサイクリストがいたらお会いしてみたい、という好奇心から企画したものです。 震災後の三陸海岸のアップダウンを走った宿主がほぼ毎日挑戦するも、まだ一度も成功したことはありません。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
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