特別報酬 / Special Bonus

Japanese Title (邦題): 「特別報酬」末尾に


Special Bonus

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

This is the story to find the biggest problem is the custom we all proud of.


When we talked with our guest who is an exchange student, we got shared one unique idea.

We have had many exchange students guests. But the guest has special experience to study cultural differences through student life since entering Japanese high school 6 years ago.

One of the cultural difference she felt in Japan was “cleaning time” in her high school.

She was in charge of window polishing and she made her effort to clean/finish it early as possible as she can. However all other Japanese students cleaned slowly and took all time as timetable. As she could finish it earlier, she wanted to go home early or to help somebody to finish the “cleaning time” earlier. Unfortunately there is nobody who thought so, even the teacher didn’t manage the group task.

She found that such everyday useless cooperative activities are common sense among Japanese society and it has been unbearable for her that the society creates culture of hitting a stake that sticks out.

”Weakness ( = low productivity)” of the Japanese has been fostered in daily school life. It was an eye-opener to me.

A few years ago, TV news reported that Japanese “cleaning time” was adopted in a private school in Singapore, to build-up team-work mind. And the commentator explained it, as if he was proud of it.

Both Ministry of Education and local education committee should take another look at present student education program with objective and diverse point of view.

Thank you and you have a nice day, without being seized with common sense.

P.S. Although the guesthouse is very cheap accommodation and very hard to manage it money-wise in the middle of pandemic. But we cannot get out of business because of the special life bonus which are the precious realizations.

From Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )









担当は窓拭きだったので、一生懸命頑張って早く拭き上げたそうです。ところが周囲では皆 床掃除や机拭きをチンタラと掃除時間いっぱいかけてやっていたそうです。先に終えたゲストさんは早く帰るなり、他を手伝ってみんなで少しでも早く終わるようにしたかったのに、それもなく、他の生徒は時間調整しながら目一杯のんびりやっていたそうです。それも毎日!






P.S. ゲストハウスなんて究極の安宿なので、コロナ感染拡大でピーピーですが、こうした他では得ることのできない「気付き」があるので辞められません。

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
