広島と長崎の犠牲者への償いを果たさない輩 / The guy who have not been able to make up for the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Japanese Title (邦題): 「広島と長崎の犠牲者への償いを果たさない輩」末尾に


The guy who have not been able to make up for the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Today is the 76th memorial day of the world second Atomic Bombing to Nagasaki after Hiroshima.

We, people in Kitakyushu, should not forget the day because Kitakyushu was supposed to get attacked as the first target.

When I overlooked history and recent movement about atomic bomb and nuclear weapons, I could noticed several interesting things.

First of all, a statement mentioned by a PM (prime minister) touched my heart.

”Only nuclear zero is worthy of the victims of Hiroshima & Nagasaki.”

スクリーンショット 2021-08-08 0.17.51


On the other hand, the other PM mentioned like this.

核兵器禁止条約「署名する考えない」菅総理|日テレNEWS24 8月7日 00:01

スクリーンショット 2021-08-08 13.17.09

( https://www.news24.jp/articles/2021/08/06/04918608.html#cxrecs_s )
< *Check his statement at 5:13 >

He is always bad at remembering his lines, but made only this statement clearly.

“Japan will not join nuke ban treaty, Suga questions effectiveness”
KYODO NEWS – Jan 22, 2021

Both of them are PMs of different countries, but the ideas toward peace without nuclear weapons are quite different.

Anyway, which is the PM of the country that has been a victim of nuclear?

Which on earth is qualified to serve as the prime minister of the only country to have suffered atomic bombs?

Thank you and you have a nice day without choosing wrong leader.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )








「核兵器ゼロ が 広島と長崎の犠牲者への償いになる唯一のこと」

スクリーンショット 2021-08-08 0.17.51

一方で こんなお考えのリーダーもいらっしゃいます。

核兵器禁止条約「署名する考えない」菅総理|日テレNEWS24 8月7日 00:01

スクリーンショット 2021-08-08 13.17.09

( https://www.news24.jp/articles/2021/08/06/04918608.html#cxrecs_s )
< *ここに注目 → 5:13 >


“Japan will not join nuke ban treaty, Suga questions effectiveness”
KYODO NEWS – Jan 22, 2021

同じPM(Prime Minister)でも国によって考え方は違うもんですね。

あれ? でもどっちが被爆国のPMなのかな?



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
