ふるさとへのUターン 〜 本当の意義 / True meaning of returning to hometown

Japanese Title (邦題): 「ふるさとへのUターン 〜 本当の意義」末尾に


True meaning of returning to hometown

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Here in Kanmon area, it is very very hot in this August.

There are no fashionable articles like other guesthouse in this site. Let me talk about more unfashionable topic this time.

Actually for whole July, I had visited my parents’ house almost everyday, where is about 5min drive or 3min bicycle ride from here.

So, why my parents’ house?

It is because my mother passed out suddenly on the fist day of July. She was brought to a hospital and took serious brain surgery and has stayed there whole July.


As I am her eldest son, I have been a window person to the hospital and managed information between the hospital and my family.

It cannot be made, if I were still in Tokyo.

Of course, I had thought about how to care my old parents when I resigned a company and started to think about new business. Honestly speaking, it is more important than “revitalization of hometown” and “regional activation” for me. It is one of main objectives to return to my hometown. Even when I was belong to previous company which is famous for generous benefits, I kept feeling uncomfortable about the role of special paid leave for nursing care and the death of family members as a child of human.

This summer, fortunately(?), we have quite less guest, because of COVID-19 infection and I could spend more than enough time to play the role as “the eldest son”. It is quite lucky for us that my mother started communicating this week, though it is not perfect communication yet, and she will be in rehabilitation stage this month.

When I looked back this one month, I remember that we could not make direct communication with our mother, because of COVID-19 virus control by the hospital. We could only meet with her through online Skype screen. If her condition got worse and I were still working in Tokyo, I could not even touch her or not talk any words with her before she left us. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

We may be in the second wave of COVID-19 infection, as mass media broadcasting, It is my quite private opinion that COVID-19 virus may be the messenger of the god to make us think more about ourselves and our families.

Returning to hometown, it may be one of effective choice of life.

Thank you and you have a wonderful day with your precious family.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


ふるさとへのUターン 〜 本当の意義











この夏は、幸運なことに(?) 新型コロナウイルスの流行でゲストも極限まで少なくて、十二分に自分の時間が取れたおかげで「長男としての機能」を果たすことが出来ました。幸い、母はまだおぼつかないながらも今週になってようやく会話ができるようになり、来週からリハビリのステータスに入ります。





灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
