あらためて提言します!/ We do propose this again!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「あらためて提言します!」末尾に


We do propose this again!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

To fight with COVID-19 in Japan, I do propose this again as a manager of a little guesthouse.

Setting the discussion about loose restriction of going out aside,
* Japanese government should prepare ACCEPTABLE INSPECTION SYSTEM to global standard for COVID-19 and grasp whole picture of infection.  And they should take most effective measures, based on the analysis with the data from result of the inspection, and appeal it quantitively to public.

When I watched supplementary budget deliberation of congress on TV, I got quite disappointed with seeing listed measures of our government.

( I do quite agree with the indication by the opposition party.)

Without doing what they should do, those are all useless, no matter spending 10billion JPY for creating contents for stay, spending another 10billion for promotion of Japan tourism, and spending 1.7trillion JPY for “Go To Campaign”(what is campaign?), Three months later, which tourist will choose the most risky country, out of three choices, Taiwan, Korea and Japan?

We recognized again that neither Japanese government nor officers can make any actions based on the idea of putting themselves in citizen’s shoes.

Thank you and you have a nicer day, by taking action on your own after understanding situation by yourself.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )







xDlYgxF5E7hvbttvYFO7GOBC( 蓮舫議員の指摘にまったく同感です。)

やるべきこと(検査)をやらずに、102億円もかけて「滞在コンテンツを造成」しても、96億円かけて「プロモーション」しても、このままの検査体制で観光客の心が日本に向かうことはありません。三ヶ月後「台湾」「韓国」「日本」の三択で旅行先を選ぶとして、どの外国旅行客が「感染リスク」のより高い日本に来たいと思うでしょう? 1.7兆円の「Go To Campaign」、、、意味がわかりません。



灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )
