新しいお言葉:世界の平和 / New word: The Peace of the World

Japanese Title (邦題): 「新しいお言葉:世界の平和」末尾に


New word: The Peace of the World

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

On Tuesday, Oct. 22 2019, we had a special holiday, due to the Ceremony of Accession for new emperor. All Japanese celebrated it all over Japan. (Though I personally didn’t know that it is national holiday. smile)

In the formal proclamation, new emperor read in the ceremony, there was one word which was not in former emperor’s proclamation and resonated to my heart.

It was “The Peace of the World”.

I felt that the word came out because new emperor has a experience living in foreign country and traveling many other countries.

Last weekend, we had a guest staying here who have experiences of living in several foreign countries. And we had exciting time to talk that there is a big difference in way of thinking between Japanese who has experience of living in overseas and Japanese who do not. Way of thinking means such as “view of the world” and “sense of values”.


We both has similar feeling that there is many Japanese people who has strong worry about future. And we agreed that most of them believes the only way to escape from the worry is “money”.

Now is the timing in Japan to have many foreign tourists visiting Japan for Rugby World Cup and Olympic games next year. If we can utilize this timing to think not only how to get money from them, but also how to share fun and precious time with them, “The Peace of the World” new emperor mentioned will get much closer to Japanese citizen. I really hope so.

I believe that REIWA should not be the era in which everyone hope happiness in stable government and developing economy, but it should be the era in which every individuals realize that they can be much happier by developing spiritual happiness and expanding human relations to other people (include people in other countries), not by money. (It is because I know “the money” was originally developed from such idea to share happiness with other people.)

Thank you and you have a really happy and wonderful day.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )












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