夢、拡がるか否か? それは作り手の想像力次第!/ Future of this area can be expanded, depends on the imagination!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「夢、拡がるか否か? それは作り手の想像力次第!」末尾に


Future of this area can be expanded, depends on the imagination!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Three years have passed since I came back here, and I feel the importance of the STRENGTH of local area!

Local area have something which Tokyo and other big cities doesn’t have. Depends on the ways and the ideas to utilize them, they can be big weapons/sales tools of the area.

There is one example which is “Time table of local airport”. Tokyo HANEDA/NARITA don’t have such a time table. (If they make, it will be thick book.)


I talked about our favorite “Yamaguchi-Ube Airport” in the last article and I found out that their time table is pretty fun to read.

What is fun?

They have only one regular international flight route for Seoul and flights are only three per week. However their time table contains various city names in Southeast Asia. The reason is their time table explains how we can transit flight at Seoul (Inchon) airport simply. When I saw the time table, I start feeling that I want to try traveling to South-east Asia. We could feel how CHOSHU-JIN ( = Yamaguchi people) made effort to maximize the value of limited flight, limited destination and limited paper tool.


If we make it by spending precious budget, we should make it as fun as possible.
If we make from force of habit, it becomes the one with zero excitement and it will lose funs.

Moving between Tokyo and Kanmon, I feel that mass of GAIJIN tourists in Tokyo and other big cities now will move to local areas in Japan. Because majority of tourists are interested in deep aspect of this country. There are so many local areas in Japan that some of them can be the LOSER without SWAT analysis of themselves and timely strategy.

Thank you and you have a nice day, by turning your weakness into strength.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


夢、拡がるか否か? それは作り手の想像力次第!












P.S. ローカルなニュースですが、吉富町の観光パンフレットが「ふるさとパンフレット大賞」を受賞したと昨日報道されました。これこそ逆転の発想、地方の強み、見習うべきセンスなのかもしれません。
(NHK News 01月25日)

灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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