子供にやさしい町 〜 やっぱイイとこだわぁ! / Town for the Kids, easy to be grown up!

Japanese Title (邦題): 「子供にやさしい町 〜 やっぱイイとこだわぁ!」末尾に


Town for the Kids, easy to be grown up!

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

I could not post this article, because my heart stayed in recent several days,
but there was very happy news here last week.

The news was that City of Kitakyushu decided to support children in orphanage to be able to stay there until the age of 22.

スクリーンショット 2017-03-12 10.42.06

It is not here Kitakyushu, but I have been supporting orphanage in Tokyo for 17 years and I have felt sorry about this limitation of 18 years old. (Kids have to leave orphanage at the age of 18.) Because I have seen the kids become gloomy all the time after being high school students, even if they were active and cheerful in their elementary and junior high school period. Children in orphanage never inferior to the kids in normal family, they rather be kind to others and sometimes have better sense and imagination than rich kids who with smart phone every time, I know.



(pictures: decoration cakes they made.)

I have thought that this age limitation should be extended but it cannot be done by the individual power. So event members and I worried endlessly about this topic during our review meeting. The news my home town has tackled with this issue and find a way for the kids made me become fraught with emotion.

The man who announce this decision was the mayor but there must be so many people who have been working for this decision.

The local area, tackling hidden issues to bottom-up children’s welfare is the place which is really thinking about whole children. So I believe that city of Kitakyushu will be the place of more easy to study and the town kids can keep their dreams.

And I pray for this movement spreading to Tokyo and entire this country.

Thank you and you have wonderful future with a lot of smiles dreaming kids will make.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )


子供にやさしい町 〜 やっぱ良いとこだわぁ!




スクリーンショット 2017-03-12 10.42.06

児童養護施設22歳まで延長(NHK 3月09日 12時20分)

ココではありませんが、自分は東京で17年間児童養護施設の支援を続けていて、この「18歳の壁」が残念で仕方ありませんでした。 小中学と明るかった子供達が進級して、高校生になると同時に年々暗くなっていく姿をこの目で見てきました。施設にいるからといって、決してそれぞれの子供の能力は劣ってはおらず、むしろ同世代よりも優しかったり、スマホ片手に裕福な暮らしをしている子達より、発想やセンス・イマジネーションの面で光る子供が多いというのが実感です。









灯台下のちいさいゲストハウス「灯火」宿主 やっさん より
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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