インバウンドの次には??? / What comes next to the word, INBOUND?

Japanese Title (邦題): 「インバウンドの次には???」末尾に


What comes next to the word, INBOUND?

Good morning to the World and Kanmon!

Do you know the word “Inbound” which is very popular in Japan recently?

What do you imagine the word comes after “Inbound”?

Inbound is an adjective, and the noun after the adjective is very important.

The word “Inbound” often comes with the news of “BAKUGAI (massive buying by Chinese tourists)” and “FUHOU MINPAKU (illegal commercial homestay)”. In these case, the next word must be :

“MONEY” for most of Japanese.

But I don’t think so. More exactly, I don’t want to think so.

Then, what come next?

In my case, the word next to “Inbound” is:

“People”, “Information” and “Way of thinking”

That is why TOUKA’s style is “staying to see around Japan” and “staying to see around the world” by welcoming guests from all over Japan and the world.

I heard often that the person will regret running guesthouse, if he/she likes travel a lot. It is because he/she cannot go out for travel. But in my case, it is extremely fun for me to run a little guesthouse.

I recognize now that I preferred learning from local people, recommended area to visit/eat and information about history etc. rather than watching as instruction of guidebooks, during my traveling various place. I also enjoy communicating with unexpected traveling companions.

I don’t know why, but most of TOUKA’s guests love to talk “quietly” over midnight, sometimes up to 2am or 3am. They were all so nice to gave me a lot of exciting information and life stories, in exchange for my lack of sleep. And I am very exciting, when I receive the request for stay in TOUKA from the future guests.

Once upon a time, the port of Moji was famous for banana import (which was very expensive in those days) and bananas were delivered to all over Japan from Moji. Like the Moji and Banana, I will make effort to distribute useful information and realization (which come to a little guesthouse) to the people of beautiful little island, Japan.

Sending “ON LIGHT” from our Lighthouse.


Thank you and you have a good week with full of excitement except Money.

from Yassan,
Manager of a Little Guesthouse under a Little Lighthouse TOUKA
( http://touka-kanmon.com )



世界中に朝が、そして関門にもあさが来ました。 おはようございます。



インバウンド( inbound )を辞書で調べると「入ってくる◯◯」という意味です。






自分にとって次の言葉は 「人」や「情報」や「考え方」だと考えています。

だ・か・ら、灯火スタイルは、海峡の町 関門に居ながらにしての、








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( http://touka-kanmon.com )



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